Winter boat cover - oval "pool tarp" vs rectangular?


Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
I think the pool tarp would allow too much rain through. I've settled on a simple high ridge frame, and medium to heavy duty pvc tarps.

It keeps the boat(with mast out) bone dry until the tarp starts to degrade. I usually get 2 seasons out of a tarp before it begins to weep a bit. But I live within walking distance of the boat (on the coast of Maine), so I can check on it.

Even with this steep angle, occasionally wet snow will pile up along the toe rail that I'll clear.

You can see the simple A frames - bases secured well, I store in the off season.

A 2x6 ridge is layed in the notches (it gets a padding). Luckily, my stanchions slide out of the bronze bases. I can get it all on in a few hours.

A 2x4 x 4-6' is rolled up in the ends of the tarp and another 2x' screwed through the rolled up tarp and into the inner 2x. This captures the tarp.

There's an opening in the stern that is lashed to allow a ladder through(you can see it).

This is a pretty good option for getting some work done in the off season. Tools and what not can be left on deck between sessions. In the spring, I'll roll up one end - or both to allow more light and air, then close back down when I leave.
Feb 6, 1998
Canadian Sailcraft 36T Casco Bay, ME
Everyone's criteria for a winter cover will be different.

I wanted:

Self shedding = Steep Pitch
Re-usable yet inexpensive frame = 2X3's and 16' lengths of 1X3 strapping are now on year 6
Must stop at toe rail = Nothing touches my painted hull finish
Must have room to work under the cover = Tall frame & removable uprights and cross ties.
Must resist bending stanchions = Perimeter boards and removable cross ties.
Recyclable material = Shrink wrap is recyclable and is categorized as #4 LDPE
Easy to store = Frame un-screws and is labeled and stored in barn rafters, cover is shrunk into small ball & recycled
Low yearly cost = Shrink wrapping costs me less than $80.00 per year (shrink gun already amortized)
Easy Access = My own custom designed vestibule. I really dislike zipper doors etc...

If you learn how to shrink wrap, it is really quite easy, and invest in the gun, my Shrinkfast gun was found on Craig's List for $350.00 with 6' extension, then shrink wrapping is inexpensive, self shedding and will conform to just about any shape you desire..

Perimeter board and cross tie junction:


Woven cord strapping is run around the boat then tied to toe rail to keep it close to the toe rail. The heat shrink is then notched at tie points and hand pinched / melted (with heat glove) around the woven cord strap (this is the tedious part).

View from my barn door...
Aug 13, 2012
Catalina 270 Ottawa
Of course if far enough north and it freezes and stays frozen
You can never count on that. And also keep in mind that if it gets really cold (-25 C - -30 C), that ice can really apply a lot of force on the inside of the cracks. Water will find its way into each and every crevice and crack and the ice will expand.
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
I saw this in a boat yard here in NY today. Didn't even make it to Christmas.
