Windlass relacement - Catalina 34mk2


Jul 4, 2020
Catalina 34mk2 Kerikeri
Hi. The Maxwell Windlass (VW500) on my Catalina 34MK2, while still working, has become a liability, since the chain jumps off when using the clutch to lower the anchor. It also doesn't have a safety cowling, which would keep the chain from jumping as well as ensure fingers don't get in the way. I know of two instances where yachties have come close to losing fingers to these winches. Not a pretty sight!
Does anyone have any experience replacing this windlass on a Catalina34?
Thanks for your help.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada

Hi. I'm sure there are a few C34 Mk II owners who visit here. It is also likely that you will find more answers to your very pertinent and well presented question(s) at the Catalina 34 International Association website and the active Forum/Main Message Board. It's free, just register, just like here. Many of us frequent both here and there regularly.

This is where: Main Message Board

I have a Mark I and no windlass, just an old geezer pulling it up by hand. :)

Good luck, hope to see you over there, too.

Dave Groshong

SBO Staff
Staff member
Jan 25, 2007
Catalina 22 Seattle
Fellow owners of that boat will always be the best resource if they have replaced their windlass, if you don't have success there, give us a shout at:
We offer the Quick windlass, and I'm sure some of the challenges of re-fitting on a Catalina are similar to a Hunter.
Jun 11, 2004
Oday 31 Redondo Beach

I have a Mark I and no windlass, just an old geezer pulling it up by hand. :)

Good luck, hope to see you over there, too.
As another old geezer (well, at least getting there) I'm wondering what your ground tackle system is. It gets deep up there doesn't it?
I have begun to wonder how much longer I can rely on the old Amstrong for getting up the anchor.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
I'm wondering what your ground tackle system is. It gets deep up there doesn't it?
Rocna 10, 50 ft. of 1/4" chain, 200 feet of 5/8" rode.
The anchor and chain were sized for 42 knot winds, used to have 1/2" rope but replaced with the 5/8" because 1/2" wasn't available when I lost the 1/2" during our cruise from SF to BC in 2016. It worked fine for the first 18 years in SF
The system is admittedly light for here. I have limited my cruising to places to anchor in 20 - 30 feet, which is OK for me per my four years here so far.
See: Anchor System Sizing Tables (Reply #6) & Swivels Ground Tackle & Anchor System Sizing TABLES & Swivels
Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
Hi. The Maxwell Windlass (VW500) on my Catalina 34MK2, while still working, has become a liability, since the chain jumps off when using the clutch to lower the anchor. It also doesn't have a safety cowling, which would keep the chain from jumping as well as ensure fingers don't get in the way. I know of two instances where yachties have come close to losing fingers to these winches. Not a pretty sight!
Does anyone have any experience replacing this windlass on a Catalina34?
Thanks for your help.
So, I take it that “chain jumping“ is somewhat recent, as you say it “has become a liability.” I wonder if your chain has become too “kink-prone“ due to wear, which prevents it from running smoothly through the gypsy? Notice anything like that?
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Apr 9, 2016
Catalina 350 48 Santa Barbara
It doesn’t sound like your windlass but your gypse most likely is worn. That is an easy replacement and as another person wrote your chain may be twisting up or linking. I’d remove it all, stretch it all out, wash it off and reload. I’m sure that will solve it. A new gypse is not expensive. Just make sure it’s a match for the chain.


Jul 4, 2020
Catalina 34mk2 Kerikeri
Thanks to both of you for the info. It's my first time on the forum and I'm really impressed with the quick and very knowledgeable responses.
Sorry about the use of the term "has become a liability". The boat and winch are 30 years old, but I just took ownership last January. It's in great nick, by the way, and I haven't noticed any wearing on the gypsy, but I'll now have another look. The chain doesn't appear to kink, but will look at that again, too.
What I do notice is that all the new model capstans have something called a chain pipe cover, which is a cowling that protects from getting fingers caught (those people I spoke of didn't have one of these) and presumably also keeps the chain from slipping off. Is my thinking right on that, and if so do you think I could find a replacement gypsy for this model winch that includes this cover? It's probably a question I should direct to a Maxwell rep, but I thought I'd still ask.
Enjoy your summer sailing up there on the other side of the equator. It's a wet and blustery winter down here in NZ.


Jul 4, 2020
Catalina 34mk2 Kerikeri
Hi again. Just an update for anyone who might search for this thread. We've solved the problem. The chain was jumping off the gypsy when letting out the anchor because there isn't sufficient drop in the chain locker with the amount of chain the boat carries. Or to put it another way, there isn't enough weight to hold the chain on to the gypsy.
The problem was solved by putting a wheel below and slightly forward of the windlass. When letting out the chain, the chain is threaded over the wheel. This adds about 90 degrees more wrap on the gypsy in much the same way a derailleur works on a bike.
When retrieving the chain, I first pull the chain off the wheel, then get my hands well out of the way before using the electrics on the winch. The chain drops straight down into the locker.
The idea for this came from this link (go down to number 3): maxwell windlass
Here's the rig we made up. We added an extra flange, which ensures the chain won't come off the wheel. The wheel is just a standard one used on bows of small power boats.

Chain roller.jpg


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Nice solution. Thanks for sharing. :biggrin::beer:
Jan 19, 2010
Catalina 34 Casco Bay
I have a foredeck windlass powered by Armstrong... it gets the best of my 36 YOA son in some point the plan is to replace it with a powered unit in the chain locker, so these posts are very helpful...thanks
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