When holding tanks don't

Phil Herring

Mar 25, 1997
- - Bainbridge Island
Many of our boats are creeping into two or three or more decades of age now... and that means tanks of all kinds are deteriorating. Not just holding tanks, but any tank made from aluminum and even fittings on molded tanks.

How did you discover the problem? Did you replace or repair the tank? And last but not least, did you have to saw your boat in half to get it in or out?

Share your leaking experiences here.


Feb 11, 2017
Islander Freeport 36 Ottawa
When my holding tank started to leak I decided to get a bigger one. The original was behind the toilet against the hull and was only 8 gallons, not really enough to get through a long weekend. There was an empty spot under the V berth I could fit a 14 gallon tank. Peggie Hall was very helpful in walking me through the tank selection and hose layout, I bought her book which really helped as well.
I don't normally hire out work on my boat but I was busy and wanted to get it done so brought in a guy who had been working on boats around the area. What a mistake. I was planning a weekend on the boat after he finished the job. He did such a poor job reinstalling the cabinets in the head that I had to take it out and re-do it and the intake and pump-out hoses were reversed on the tank. Fortunately I noticed and was able to switch them before christening the new tank.
In the end it was a big improvement and worth the effort.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Mine are like new, since I minimize or stop the Aluminum corrosion, just like I do with the rest of my metal parts on the boat.
Jun 23, 2015
Hunter H34 Deltaville
How about the top fitting pulling away from the tank at the top which someone tried to fix with a few screws!! I don't know how long before I bought the boat but there was a mess (pictures NOT attached) starting from the top fitting down the tank lasting long enough to rot out the Teak/Holly sole under it, by about a foot or so!!! This had to have gone on for years.

On the bright side I too have the headmisstress's book and advice, nice pic too Peggy. New pipes, tank, siphon loop and vent that was missing in the seawater intake. Of all the systems to leak, heck it was so bad under the settee that both the .75" & 1.5" brass seacocks were black and frozen open which was one of the many reasons I hauled shortly after arriving home.
Jan 22, 2008
Hunter 34 Herrington South, MD
We have had a smell for quite some time. Just fixed the false bilge on my H34 and removed decades of smelly water under the floor. Also, when replacing our cabin sole, we noticed the holding tank pipes were all black and the air vent nipple was broken off. Also the inlet handle broke off so we had to replace the inlet and outlet (even thought we can never use it). Replacing everything including a new holding tank.
Nov 20, 2018
Beneteau Oceanis 350 Gibsons
After purchasing our boat I noticed a distinct odour, yes that odour, every time we used the head. Did some reading and started first by checking the vent hose. Plugged solid from tank to hull fitting. Cleaned that out but still had some issues. The vent hose by the way is too small but maybe another day. Then checked out the tank. New hoses were installed all through the system save the vent but when I looked carefully the pump out hose was too short and through flexing had cracked the tank flange. Short of time and funds I explored sealants and found one that did the trick. Yes a temporary fix but it is working so . . .

I’ll be looking for a replacement tank and someone small enough to switch them out eventually. I’ll do the vent hose too as that seems to be key to a sweet tank.
Oct 3, 2014
Marlow-Hunter MH37 Lake City, MN
I knew we were living on borrowed time, with the original aluminum holding tank on our '92 Hunter 33.5. Probably past borrowed time actually, because we already had some smell which was mostly under control. The previous owner had made some repairs to the tank, but I can't recall what he said he did.

Wanting to replace the tank on my time, and not as an emergency, I started the planning process of replacing everything, from the head (from Jabsco to Raritan PH SuperFlush), the hoses (original to Raritan Saniflex, with Shields for the vent hose), the tank (original aluminum to Ronco), and the airlock.

The holding tank is under the starboard settee, just on the other side of the wall from the head. With Ronco's help I was able to get tank of equal capacity (20 gal) which would fit, though of slightly different dimensions. My first mistake was to have Ronco give me threaded fittings the same places as the original tank. After it arrived I realized it would be nearly impossible to find compatible low profile fittings which would still fitter under the seat. I did find some good information in several of Peggie's posts about the Uniseal fitting and decided to go that way. At first I thought I'd have to order another tank but it occurred to me that I could plug the threaded fittings Ronco provided and flip the tank around. I also had Ronco weld flanges on the bottom of the tank to mimic what the original tank had. These would allow me to screw the tank to the floor, just like the original.

The next challenge was to find the right fittings to keep a low enough profile. The magic combination was the 2" Uniseal, this 1.5" flange fitting, and this 90° sanitation hose fitting found at West Marine. The 1.5" flange fitting allowed me to cement a 1.5" PVC dip tube to the bottom, screw on the hose fitting using teflon tape, then press it into the Uniseal. The Saniflex hose easy went on the hose fitting and was well secured by double hose clamps. Saniflex is a wonderful product. Highly recommended for easy of installation.

I used the same parts for the connection to the head, but without the dip tube, of course. For the vent, I had to come up with a different assembly since I couldn't find the parts above in 3/4". I used a 3/4" PVC pipe to insert in that Uniseal but ended up cutting it too short so I need to rebuild that assembly. Speaking of the vent, I did not up-size it based on Peggie's advise because I had already bought everything when I read that. It would be easy enough to do that later if I decide it's needed.

Last fall, when it finally came time to do it, I flushed a LOT of fresh water through the head, then had the marina do a double pump out, first as is, second after filling up with fresh water again. It turned out the tank started leaking that day. It didn't stink terribly so I suspect it was from the fresh water in the tank...perhaps they overfilled before the second pump out.

The demo work went smoothly and wasn't nearly as odoriferous as I expected. When I pulled out the old tank, however, it was wet underneath. I sprayed the area down with something (I can't recall what) wiped as much as I could. While removing the old hoses I decided the best thing to do would be to wait until spring to install the tank to give it a chance to thoroughly dry. I did install all the hose I could, leaving only the head-to-tank hose and the final connections on the rest to complete this spring. I also installed the new head, which used the same mounting holes as the old head, but a problem came up there which I'll post about separately, because I need some advice on it.

Saturday I took the shrink wrap off the boat and was happy to have NO smell inside! I installed the tank and made most of my final connections but as I mentioned, i need to replace the vent hose fitting, make the final connection and I have an issue with the head position so I need to solve that and then install the head-to-tank hose.
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Mar 8, 2019
ODay 322 Bodkin Creek, Chesapeake Bay
Could not stand the smells or the slosh under the V-berth, knowing what was inches below my face. Ripped out the entire system and have joined the growing herd going to composting toilets. No smell, much simpler head, and I gained a huge storage space where the holding tank was.

This area is big enough that it is now the new home for the rolled up Achilles dingy! (Forward to left)

Before washing out with PineSol and lots of rinse water: (Forward to right)

Bye bye leaky tank. For scale, note the screwdriver in the first photo:

While I'm building my own to fit, here are some commercial composting toilets:
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
The vent hose by the way is too small but maybe another day.
That's actually a very easy--and inexpensive!--job, thanks to a li'l gizmo called the Uniseal UNISEAL One of those, a few feet of 1" hose (you can use flex PVC #48 for a vent line), a short piece of sch 40 PVC and a new open 1" thru-hull, and it's done if you know how to use a hole saw. (Ok, there's a little more to it than that, but enough people here have done that they can fill in the details). A threaded plug wrapped in a lot of teflon tape is all that's needed to seal the existing vent thru-hull.
Jun 23, 2015
Hunter H34 Deltaville
I replaced the 3'4" vent with a 1" Uniseal as Peggy recommended, even though I was reluctant to cut into a new tank it worked perfectly. Didn't know about using the fles PVC so I just used the same white pipes.


Jan 22, 2008
Tartan 37 287 Pensacola, FL
We kept having odor problems on the boat. So I tracked it down to the holding tank.
20140522_102723.jpg The outlet is the black connection and the inlet connection is open. I managed to stop the leak at the bottom fitting but could not really see the top fitting while it was installed in the boat.
20140522_102733.jpg Then one day while I was putting MORE caulking on the leaking bottom connection, the boat moved on a wake and liquid came out of the crack on the top connection and hit me in the face. :puke:I ordered a new tank as soon as I could find a replacement.
Aug 15, 2011
Hunter 45 Legend Holland
Replaced mine back in 2005 on a 1987 Boat, the goose necks had rotted almost all the way off the aluminum tank. I think the original tank held about 18 Gallons, I used the old tank as a mold and added on to it making it a fiberglass tank at around 25 gallons. Additional I put a sump in it for a low spot so when pumped out everything leaves. I additional I lined it with a Liquid sealer inside it and haven't had any problems with it or odors, 5 years ago I added the Raritan Electric head and that has worked great. I read one of Peggy's articles on it and said I have to have it. The tank in the Bow I believe is fiberglassed into the boat I have never done anything with that one other than change the head.
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Aug 24, 2005
Nassau 34 Olcott, NY
I have installed three holding tanks and replaced two gas tanks in my years of ownership. My Eastwind 25 gas tank had to be crushed while in the boat in order to get it out. The Irwin 32 gas tank came out easily and I had it commercially reconditioned. On the Nassua 34 I needed to replace head hoses, but could not get to the tank so I just stopped off the hoses, installed a new tank under the V berth, rinsed out the old tank, and just left it in place. That was 10 years ago.
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
Apparently Rodsails and Higgs failed to notice that their audience in this thread had sailed off into other waters 5 years ago.
I'm suprised it even showed up in the feed today. Although it's always a topic worth discussing (IMO anyway), we should prob'ly shut off any more new posts to this thread start a new one.

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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Mine are like new, since I minimize or stop the Aluminum corrosion,
Urine [or #1] + 2 tablespoon of Baking Soda = No Acid in Holding tank.

We have a "Slider lock bag" by each Head, full of Baking Soda with a 2 tbs scoop inside.


Also Baking Soda cleans many things on your boat.


PS: Sailboat Owner's Guide to Corrosion