What's in Your Lazarette?

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Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Our fridge compressor, wiring connection and fuse are "down there" on our boat. Many happy hours trying to get out after a five minute visit.
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Good job, Roger..
Starboard cockpit locker: Floorboards for the inflatable dink, the fuel tank, batteries.. and the battery charger. Compared to the Hunter 34, Ya look to have excellent access.. The lazarette on the 34 is fine but the cockpit locker is a dungeon..
Nov 22, 2008
Endeavour 32 Portland, Maine
The lazarette on the 34 is fine but the cockpit locker is a dungeon..
You may remember from your sail that the E 32 is pretty fine ended. No one who has seen the boat and me, 6' - 0" 220 lbs, believes that I've actually been in there. Thus the video.
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Laughing..yes.. that is worth a video !
We are going to have some Hunter 34 owners chime in about our dungeon.. It is what drove me to get a remote battery water system..
Nov 22, 2008
Endeavour 32 Portland, Maine
What'd you do, drop a screwdriver in there?
No, running a new cable for the autopilot wiring so as to install the new Raymarine wireless remote purchased here from the store.

My plug in, wired remote died on me just before I was ready to head back to Maine. They have been discontinued so Phil drove the forklift down to the far corner of the huge SBO warehouse and climbed up the 50 foot ladder to top shelf and had a new Raymarine wireless remote waiting for me when I got back to Portland.

While waiting for the SeaTalk cable to arrive, I took the old remote apart and was able to shorten the cord and re-solder it to the circuit board so it works again. I left the plug for it installed in the cockpit so I'll have a back up for the wireless.

My new running lights should arrive tomorrow so Strider should be fully seaworthy again by the time she is hauled out briefly on Tuesday. I'm on track for an October 1 departure.


Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
mine is a quadrant cave i labelled the mold hold as gets moldy in damp weather.. but there is standing room inside and a good built in "ladder" made to support the quadrant. the rudderpost and packing gland for rudder also are in mine..........i do have a shortie lazarette on th etransom in which i keep lines, tarps and other stuff that folds flat. am glad i dont need to fold meself or hire a monkey to go into mine...


Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
oct 1 is a good day to sail!! smooth sailing !
Sep 21, 2009
Hunter 34 Comox
I've been in and out of the pit of despair several times installing my espar, cockpit shower, checking batteries, installing a fuel tank gauge sender and I concur with Kloudie, it is not fun. Especially when you wiggle your way in and the tool you need is just out of reach or forgotten outside. I think there may be some re organization happening with the galley cupboards and that silly little shelf in the left side of the locker. My lazerette has all kinds of stuff in it including spare anchor, chain and rode, lawn chairs, fuel for dinghy, buckets, traps, cords, tarp, spare docklines, case full of tools, sheets etc.etc.etc Hey you could start a reality show named something like "Lazerette Hoarders"
Sep 4, 2007
Hunter 33.5 Elbow, Saskatchwen, Can.
Roger I'm envious!!
Down in ours we have the 3 batteries,fridge compressor, fuel tank, wash/rinse pail and something hidden in the back corner. On the 31 I was able to squeeze into the lazerette but the batteries won't allow me to get down in the 34.

The p/o had cut the wall between the aft berth and the lazerette. So there's a door that leads into this area. But I still can't get into this area. Maybe after the batteries are out I'll be able to get into there to clean it. Or if I loss a little weight nah that's not going to happen!!
Aug 1, 2011
Tanzer 26 Saint John
Quite amazing. I had never looked much beyond the autopilot while onboard and would have never guessed.

The installation of a new fuel tank was completed Friday and all mechanical appears in order in advance of our departure from Portland on 1 Oct. With no sailing since Irene's passage through here, we are planning to get a couple of days of sailing and trials in to shake out the cobwebs and to retrain the body for this boat.

We have started our dedicated weather watch recently and with each new forecast, we confirm our "windows" are open, at least for our first leg to Ocean City MD.

My Spot II is on order from West Marine and will be here Tuesday evening. For the price, I think it is the greatest little safety item for at sea and in the woods. Thanks for introducing me and others to it.

All the best with your haul out and preparations this week.


Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
what is in my mold hold-----
3 anchors
400 or more ft chain, both 5/16 and 3/8
a kayak, inflatable
coleman camp chair
wood for repairs
2 shorepower cords
hose for water
and a bunch more stuff..is HUGE!!


Sep 10, 2011
Shields 30 Boothbay Harbor

My first 'volunteered' job on Westward forty years ago was to clean out her lazarette when she was in drydock in Lisbon. There was culch and coils of line down there that hadn't seen the light of day for God knows how long. It was like sticking your hand into a bucket of dead eels. And the stink...!
Nov 22, 2008
Endeavour 32 Portland, Maine
My first 'volunteered' job on Westward ...
Gottcha beat on that one. My first crew job on "Westward" was crawling into the sewage tank "cleaned" first, and lying on my back pushing polyester goop into wiremesh welded to the inside of the top as a temporary fix. I was using a home made respirator made out of a paint sprayer compressor and a medical oxygen mask.

I suddenly noticed that my vision was shrinking into a point, just like the ending of the old cartoons. I managed to scramble through the manhole just before I passed out. When I came to, I found that the fellow who was supposed to hand me goop and be my safety watch had heard that his girlfriend was topside on the dock. He put the bucket of goop down next to the compressor intake and ran up to talk to her. I found him chatting away with stars in his eyes. Fortunately for him, I was still too sick and woozy to throw him over the side.

Did "Westward" have the lab deckhouse on her when you were aboard? My first job on her was actually designing and supervising its construction and re-ballasting her. After that, I switched from professional consultant to crew and got sucked into foolishness like the sewage tank repair.
Jun 7, 2004
- - Milwaukee
There's a grizzled mariner in my lazarette. Looks a bit like you. Gives me guidance when needed, calming presence at other times.
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Paul.. I have a guy there too, I believe.. He appears after a little rum on a long night sail !! Funny !
Jul 24, 2006
Legnos, Starwind, Regal Mystic 30 cutter, 22 trailer sailor, bow rider NEW PORT RICHEY, FL
was almost me, dead and decaying

when i brought free willy home on our maiden voyage i anchored in the lea of an island just after passing under the sunshine skyway, to jurry rig the nav lights. It was starting to get dark out. I brought 3 12v batts and decided to try and run power to the main panel dirrect off the bat. Got down inside port locker and attached wire to buss/panel etc and when i tried to get out my teeshirt got snagged on the sharp end of a screw. I started to panick pulled and pushed and after what seemed like 10 min got free. Thoughts of being discovered shriveled and dead down there passed through my mind. I did'nt have lights either, ended up running dirrect to port bowlight and all nav lights powered up. Advice: use hacksaw to cut scews inside laz!
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