What tricks are there to raising the 235 mast?

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David Walters

With the impending spring I am finding myself more and more distracted by the challenges of being a new boat owner. One of the 'unknowns' I have been wrestling with, is the trick of raising a mast with swept-back spreaders. I have heard of other f235 owners replacing their mast steps with a hinged variety, but will not have that luxury this first season. What are the pitfalls and tricks to raising this without injury to myself, crew or boat? If the manual covers all this, I may be OK, but the manual is 6 hours away on the starboard self right now. David

Joe Sondy

mast stepping

David, The mast goes up quite easily and I would'nt try to read the manual. If you raise at the dock or on the trailer does'nt matter, let the jib halyard out and secure the line then tie on additional line (sheet end) to it for leverage. A tall person in the cockpit is helpful, move mast back off stern with a throw cushion on top of hatch. have person in cockpit lift while someone inserts pin at base of mast making sure vang clevis is also installed at the same time. Inner stays I don't secure until shes up but make sure there hooked into the mast.Using the jib halyard with added line gives you plenty of leverage. hope this helps,let me know if you have any questions. Joe

David Walters

Many Thanks!!

Thanks Joe. Any information I can get before bringing the boat home brings me that much closer to a full nights sleep. If I could just convince my toddler to sleep too, I'd have it made. David
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