What kind of Stainless is my Stern Pulpit made of?

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Jan 24, 2005
Oday 222 Dighton, Ma.
Are you sure Joe? Did you check everyone with a magnet? Sorry couldn't resist.
We all need a laugh once in a while. Especially this time of the year. I look out my window and I see all this white stuff on the ground. depressing. Spring can't get here quick enough to suit me. Spring is when I come alive.
Dec 8, 2006
Oday 26 Starr, SC
Dave said

Dave said, "The sad thing is someone is going to
read this thread looking for good information about
the way Oday rails are constructed and be more
confused than before they clicked on it."


If you spoon feed the answers, then they may miss
questions or facts about stainless steel and metals
that substituted for it.

And, they may not ask questions about their
hardware that should be asked about on old boats.

Not all hardware on O'Days is from factory. Some
has been modified or completely replaced.

Many rails have been repaired. The quality of repairs
or modifications needs to be evaluated.

Ed K
"Greatness is not in where we stand, but in
what direction we are moving. We must sail
sometimes with the wind and sometimes
against it—but sail we must and not drift,
nor lie at anchor." —Oliver Wendell Holmes
Jan 24, 2005
Oday 222 Dighton, Ma.
It's possible that an O'Day owner would go to any welding shop and have a steel pulpit made up for cheap money thinking that they are getting quality product. I think that his question is a valid one. This is why I told Chris to go to a reputable marine metal fabricator.

The guy that welded up the mast crutch to my stern rail back in the early 1990s worked out of his garage at home but I knew him from all the Boston Boat Shows where he had a display set up. In a way, one could say that I took a chance on having him do the work for me but as it turned out he did a spectacular job of bending, welding and installing my rail. To my way of thinking, this guy may have been small in starting out, but he was an excellent welder. I checked out his work at the shows. He charged me $230 and I was a happy camper when I left there. Still am.

He didn't stay small for long. He teamed with with another guy and they purchased and old factory on the Taunton River and turned it into a multi-million dollar marina. Singer Billy Joel kept two of his powerboats there, but I digress. Sorry about that.


Feb 6, 1998
Canadian Sailcraft 36T Casco Bay, ME
- - - - // - - - -

So the next question is 'which stainless steel'.

Your Morgan 24 is to me a different base quality
than any O'Day. That is not to say O'Day was not
good and serviceable, but your Morgan company
at time of 24 had a better quality reputation.

Here is interesting comment from same site
as I posted in earlier post:

"... with so much stuff being imported from
China, where counterfeiting and substitution
is rife, your only guarantee of quality is the
USA supplier's name and reputation. This is
especially unfortunate in an age of "meatball
whoring" where the shortsighted CEO's of
many USA companies are licensing their logo/
meatball to third parties to be slapped onto
low quality imported junk in exchange for cash.
I apologize for the crassness of my phrase, but
the word "licensed" looks legitimate and innocent,
whereas my phrase tells it like it actually is :)

Personally, my single best indication of quality
today is to look at the instruction manual or
warranty and see who you are supposed to
contact in the event of difficulty or dissatisfaction.
If it is someone other than the supplier themselves,
it is a very strong indication to me that the company
actually has little to do with the product and is
simply prostituting their logo for cash."

We all know the stern rails were not imported
from China at that time, the point is understanding
'Quality". Even in late 1970's and early 1980's
cheaper and inferior quality were factors. Read some comments about made quality in sailboats by such
writers as Ferenc Mate'.

Ironically some of our repairs exceed the original

Ed K


All push pits and bow pulpits on the O'day boats are STAINLESS STEEL. Earlier ones were a polished type 304SS and "some" later ones were a polished 316SS..... Older 304SS was quite good quality and resisted corrosion quite well if properly polished..

I have NEVER EVER, EVER seen any boat, power or sail, with chrome plated STEEL for pulpits or push pits, not single one.

I will remind you that "stirring the pot" or "trolling" are NOT in-line with the site policies. You know better and your arguments are bordering on the ABSURD.
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