West Marine CPP Ablative Antifouling Paint - Opinions?


Feb 5, 2004
Tartan 3800 20 Westport, MA
This year, due to my new "retired" and "fixed income" status I've decided I couldn't afford the newly higher priced Interlux Micron CSC bottom paint at $300/gallon, so I opted for the WM CPP @$110 on sale. I am pretty sure it's made by Petit.

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this stuff? I'm hoping for 2 seasons per application, and assuming two coats per application.

It's not too late to return it! So, looking forward to your comments.




Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
I've no experience with that product but if it is indeed made by Petit should be good.

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Aug 11, 2011
O'day 30 313 Georgetown MD
I used CPP on my old boat. It lasted for two seasons, but that was all. I saw significant paint removal after two seasons. I will say the boat was in the water the whole time. I used 1 and half gallons to do two coats and extra two coats on leading edges, on a 26ft boat. You are correct. It is produced by Petit.

I get the fixed income view. Think about how long do you think you'll be sailing. What is the cost of hauling and two years with CPP and doing it all again in two years vs. Hauling once and using a multi season paint like PCA over four years? PCA on sale now for $170. Just saying.......
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Dec 25, 2000
Hunter Passage 42 Shelter Bay, WA
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this stuff?
Just purchased three gallons of WM CPP black ablative when it was on sale. First used it in 2002 when we purchased Belle-Vie, a 1991 Passage, then again in 2004. Two coats of it will last us seven years before it is time to haul and redo the bottom. Used it again in 2011, 2018 and will do it again next year. It is important to use the boat often to slough the bottom of any marine life, which we do. I also hire a diver every year to install new zincs, clean the bright work of any barnacles or mussels and to make sure all the gear below the waterline remains in good shape; rudder bearing, shaft strut, etc.
Mar 26, 2011
Corsair F-24 MK I Deale, MD
This year, due to my new "retired" and "fixed income" status I've decided I couldn't afford the newly higher priced Interlux Micron CSC bottom paint at $300/gallon, so I opted for the WM CPP @$110 on sale. I am pretty sure it's made by Petit.

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this stuff? I'm hoping for 2 seasons per application, and assuming two coats per application.

It's not too late to return it! So, looking forward to your comments.


That is a single season paint. Maybe that is what you want. You won't get two seasons unless it is a very low fouling location.

West Marine PCA Gold is also private label by Pettit and is more similar to Pettit Odyssey HD. it is one the best, if not the best, multi-season ablative available. But it is only cheap when on sale. You WILL get 2 seasons plus.
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Feb 5, 2004
Tartan 3800 20 Westport, MA
Thanks for all the helpful replies! Gee, I was hoping I'd get two seasons out of it, as I did with the Micron CSC.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
You won't get two seasons unless it is a very low fouling location.
The Pacific Northwest is a low fouling location, sometimes.

Let's just talk about first hand experience from @Terry Cox and myself. First off, we both live in the Pacific Northwest. Second we both get 6 and 7 year years life out of a two coat application. Third, if I read Terry right, we 're both always on the lookout for that tracer coat. If the ablative is still present, it's still toxic to marine growth.

Do a search for CPP under the user names of Terry Cox and of Ralph Johnstone and you'll find the same material again and again for the Pacific Northwest.

For your area on the other coast, I can positively say, without fear of contradiction, that I just dunno. Give it a try, on a non scaling bottom, WITH TWO COATS OF CPP, and see what happens.

With my present two coats of CPP applied in 2019, I'm looking for 10 years life expectancy. If @Terry Cox can get 8 years, I can get 10 years. I think the both of us put on a fair number of miles/year.

This is what I meant by low fouling water, sometimes. This is quite a while back but the barnacles were out in full force that year. HOWEVER, notice how the bottom only has a light coating of slime with CPP. This was the first time the boat had been moved since last boating season.


Clean as a whistle after a pressure wash and NO TRACER coat showing. Also, not much blue colour in the wash water. With Micron CSC, the wash water was always a translucent bright blue indicating that a major portion of the ablative paint was being lost with each pressure wash.


At the risk of repeating myself, I have no idea how CPP will perform in your area.

Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
This year, due to my new "retired" and "fixed income" status
So just WHERE have you been for the last few years ?

It's so quiet around here lately, I've developed the habit of dozing off every time I open up the pages of SBO.


Nov 4, 2010
Beneteau 331 Deale, MD
I've always used CPP with decent results. I get two seasons out of a two coat application.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
@arf145 , at the end of two seasons, what is your signal to apply another two coats of CPP. Thanks.
I can't answer for @arf145 - but for my boat, my current antifoul coating is applied over a base coat - in my case epoxy barrier coat - that is a visibly different color to my antifoul. So as soon as I see that base color starting to show, time to apply new antifoul.

Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Epoxy barrier with a different colour is good as well.
What type of antifouling paint do you use and how often do you need to apply ?


Nov 4, 2010
Beneteau 331 Deale, MD
@arf145 , at the end of two seasons, what is your signal to apply another two coats of CPP. Thanks.
These days--and similar to @dLj--I look at where barrier coat is showing through. This year, I actually just touched up those areas (just below the waterline and some rudder spots mainly) even though it has been two years on the remainder.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Thanks for the reply.

This year, I actually just touched up those areas (just below the waterline and some rudder spots mainly)
Can't remember whether it's CPP or Micron CSC that recommends a few extra coats at AT the water line and down a foot as well as the leading edge of the keel. I've always found those two locations to be the most solid looking on the hull (applied an extra half dozen coats at once).
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Are WM CPP one of the paints that will retain it’s anti fouling properties if the boat is store on a trailer for winter
This first shot is from the CPP can label :


This second shot is from CPP's specs :


Who you gonna believe ? It's all a conspiracy, I say :soapbox: . Who and how, I'm not yet sure but it's a conspiracy.
