Water leak while on Port Tack


Mar 12, 2006
Hunter 460 Hamilton, Ontario
Appreciate suggestions where to look for the cause of water showing up on the sole of the starboard aft cabin while heeled 10+ degrees on a Port Tack. Starboard water tanks are not leaking, rudder post seems fine, exhaust hoses appear to be secure and intact. I am currently on the hard and am baffled were the water is coming from.
Feb 8, 2014
Columbia 36 Muskegon
I would suspect water pooling some where over time then spilling out when heeled, rather than only leaking when heeled. Look in the grid system or anywhere to port that can hold water. Actual source could be a deck or window leak, or potable water system. Could be a really tiny leak, accumulating over a long time.
Aug 8, 2006
Catalina 34 Naples FL
I had a similar issue and found the plastic fitting on the bow from the drain line for the anchor well was cracked. When sailing it would let water drip in. It was really not noticeable looking at it from the bow but when i poured water over it and had someone look inside at the same time you could see the leak. When i removed it it broke on the crack.


Dec 20, 2009
Hunter 466 Bremerton
Wow. That is really odd. How are the seals on your aft lazarette hatches? Are your propane lockers watertight (no holes in the bottom)? Is anything above the deck wet? Have you looked under the bunks, port and stbd cabins? Is the aft port cabin window watertight

I've had my 466 for 12 years and have seen or heard nothing of the sort in that model.


Mar 12, 2006
Hunter 460 Hamilton, Ontario
Before launching today I removed all the floor boards and mattress from the starboard aft cabin berth and totally emptied the storage areas under the berth as well. Hopefully I am able to see where the water is coming from...


Mar 12, 2006
Hunter 460 Hamilton, Ontario
Thanks. Our 460 has a self draining anchor locker. We have checked all the sea cocks and hose connections. Will keep you posted as we find water sources!!


Mar 12, 2006
Hunter 460 Hamilton, Ontario
Thanks.....Checked all those areas.....Nothing yet, but good suggestions. Will keep you all posted
Sep 20, 2006
Hunter 33 Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
Do you close the seacocks for the sinks in the heads. They are below the waterline while healing. I've had water come in that way.


Mar 1, 2008
Hunter 34 Milwaukee
Is the leak a continuous stream while on a port tack or does it stop after a period of time? Continuous would seem to indicat a leak of part of the boat that is not underwater on occasions other than port and 10 degrees. Our Hunter 34 had poorly sealed cockpit drains that only leaked when on a heel of 15 or more degrees. Just a thought.


Mar 12, 2006
Hunter 460 Hamilton, Ontario
Mystery solved

We found that while under hard sail on a port tack, lake water was coming in from somewhere in the stern and pooling on the starboard cabin sole. While under power, there was barely any water coming in. After spending time in the aft starboard locker (try it sometime ....I am 6"2" and 250) while under sail and in port at our slip, we found with the help of mirrors and lots of light, a tiny hairline crack on the "backside" of the Yanmar 3" water exhaust hose about 1" above the hose clamps. After finally removing the hose ...whew... we found that the wire reinforcement inside the rubber hose had rusted enough to subject the rubber hose to a thin wall + hairline rubber crack. While sailing under 6-7 knots hull speed while heeled over on a port tack, the back pressure from the lake water forced the water back up through the crack and squeezed out of the hose into our vessel! There was enough hose to allow us to cut and remove the failed hose section -4" and reattach - also using some 3m sealant adhesive on the nipple. Hopefully the pictures attached give some clarity. Thanks everyone for responding with suggestions of where to look. A long process!


Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Good find, nice work. I would recommend a sealant vs an adhesive, though.


Mar 12, 2006
Hunter 460 Hamilton, Ontario
Thanks, I used the 3M 3500 sealant/adhesive, remains pliable after curing 48hrs


Dec 20, 2009
Hunter 466 Bremerton
Nice troubleshooting and good work. Cramped space. Hope you can uncurl.
Aug 31, 2009
Hunter Hunter 466 San Leandro, CA
Thanks for the post. We had our leak in the same place. Hard to trace down. Our fuel tank is back there and made it really hard to get any grip on the hose. Hopefully that fixed the leak. Time will tell.


Jun 15, 2004
Hunter H376 San Diego
Nice catch. I had similar issue with rubber flex exhaust hose recently. While motoring I’d get a small bit of raw water in the catch basin under the Yanmar. Drove me nuts for a few days. Finally found a pinhole in exhaust flex hose up near mixing elbow. I just replaced the entire hose and clamps.