VHF coax

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May 31, 2007
Hunter 37 cutter Blind River
Question for those experienced who have removed the mast track to service their wiring race: is the vhf coax antenna cable bundled with the light wires or does it run separately? Any recommendations for make or size of new vhf coax?
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 37-cutter, '79 41 23' 30"N 82 33' 20"W--------Huron, OH
It runs up the race behind the sail track. There are wire ties every six or eight feet in mine. I think I have some remnants in the basement, RG8X is what is standard. I think RG58 is also suitable and it is smaller. There's lots of room. In the picture you can see the coax, the cable to the anemometer, and the three wire cable to the tri-color. And there is another three wire cable in the lower half to the deck/steaming light.



Sep 25, 2008
boatless rainbow Callao, VA
use one of the "low loss" cables if at all possible, not all RG-58 cable is the same. Use a good manufacturer of cable as well as connectors and you should be all set. Some way to tie the cable off, so it does not bang around, or conflict with other stuff in the mast.
May 31, 2007
Hunter 37 cutter Blind River
Thanks for the info. The job just gets bigger. If the mast is out, all the wiring should be replaced. Spars should be painted. Then additionally, what an opportunity to cut open the deck and replace the damp coring. Neverending. How is that for a great boat name? Kind of like a boat in my marina, "What was I thinking?"
I looked for the thread but didn't find it. How is that sailslide track removed from the mast? Must be a tremendous amount of friction, dirt and corrosion.
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 37-cutter, '79 41 23' 30"N 82 33' 20"W--------Huron, OH
Back in 2001 my track slid right out. Now, by painting the mast, I am probably locking it in forever. It slides out the bottom. First there are some plastic pieces, the lower five or six feet. For some reason several short pieces on my boat. Then two or maybe three long metal tracks that all slide out the bottom. There is nothing holding them in. It appears that the gooseneck might be clamping on it but I don't think so. But I take that off anyway.

The plastic slot covers should slide out by hand. You might have to use WD-40 and some visegrips to get the metal started sliding. I did not, grabbed with pliers and pulled it right out.

Today I finished the last of the epoxy primer on the mast. I am painting to the track but not on the track. My mainsail goes up by hand and falls like a rock. Do not want to screw up the track with thick paint.
May 31, 2007
Hunter 37 cutter Blind River
Very good point,Ed, about the slides possibly binding in new paint. I'd say you were very lucky getting the track out so easily. Didn't you know nothing is easy on a boat?
Jun 8, 2004
C&C Frigate 36 St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
Sliding the cover

Last time I had mine off was about six or seven years ago, when I installed radar. It wasn't too bad getting it off. Used lots of WD40 or similar to lube everything. Then one body with vicegrips on one end and another body with a block of hardwood and a hammer at the other end of the strip. I think its important to have the mast straight and well supported.
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