Vega Part needed... barrel bolt

Oct 31, 2019
One of the main reasons not to change anything below the waterline is restriction rules for competitive sailing, and the behaviour under prop isn't that bad. Of course the first year is drama.... with a lot of oooh..... and aaaahs... (from you're self, and the occasional innocent bystander)

But after a while you get to know the boat and I've got no troubles... if you don't mind going the wrong way around. With the wrong wind angle.

And being the laughingstock of the rest of the harbour.... (THAT takes some getting used to....)

But with two people I've never got into trouble. Solo is the part that takes some time getting used to. And you really learn to check the wind before you start on anything, and must be willing to change your mind to the way the boats wants to go.

With kind regards,

Jelle H. Buisma

Vega 3273 (Sepia)

Aug 3, 2005
I agree entirely. It took a while for me to get used to it this summer.
But it's all OK now.

In terms of coming alongside, I'd recommend using teh midships cleat rather
than the stern line if you're going to motor against. I find that keeps her
alongside a bit straighter. And makes solo coming alongside much easier.
