Used parts for Beneteaus

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Allen Mayers

I have heard that someone (possibly in St Thomas) carries a variety of parts for Beneteaus. Can anyone recommend where I might be able to find such items as a breast cleat (integrates into the toe rail) for a 41s5 ?

Brian Pickton of

Used parts

Feb. 12,2001 Dear Allen, Have you tried calling Beneteau? The customer service number is: 843 - 423 - 6459. I don't know of any place that specializes in Beneteau parts but an outfit like The Moorings charter company that runs a lot of Beneteaus might be able to help as well. Sorry, I don't have a contact number for them. Fair winds, Brian Pickton of aboard The Legend, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia
Jul 1, 1998
Hunter Legend 35 Poulsbo/Semiahmoo WA
For on Beneteau Specific Parts...

like water pump, O-rings for faucets, blocks, ports, mast parts, helm, etc. what I've done is collect manufacturers catalogs and put them in a binder. Then, when it comes time to maintain, fix, or replace something I have the model part name, model number, and perhaps maintenance instructions readily available. This obviously works better when the boat is new but even after a number of years it's amazing how many parts or items are still available. I had to replace the forward hatch and because I had the catalog I could speak with the manufacturer exactly about what was needed. Every time you go to the chandlery see what catalogs they have available. Ditto boat shows. If you contact the manufacturer about an item ask them for owners manuals, catalogs, parts manuals, etc. On an entire boat there are surprisingly very few items that the builder actually manufactured. This doesn't answer your question, I know, but for those who haven't started their catalog collection yet this is a suggestion.

Jeff Taylor

Call Ward Richardson at BeneteauUSA

BeneteauUSA has been very helpful in helping me redo "Vixen" my 45f5 built in France. Everything seems to be be available. Goiot Parts, the most difficult, are available through a FL company called WELLMAX MARINE, Max Welborne is the owner and can help with this part. If your 41s5 is French built, I'm sure that your toe rail and cleet is by Goiot.
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