Urgent warning to genset owners

Jun 8, 2004
Hunter 49 60803 Lake Erie
I find it interesting that the hose on the gas water separator is a hardwall water hose vs an exhaust hose. Makes me wonder if there would be less trouble from heating and cooling if it were exhaust hose.
Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
I could not agree more, and go down this path with all my hoses & through hull fittings.
However ….. this particular hose & through hull are literally buried in a “typical boat builder “ place. This is why I wanted to bring this to the attention of 49/50 owners. I have a hunch that most don’t know that this hose & through hull exist.
I also agree with exercising through hull shut off levers to keep them running smoothly. To get at this one, you need an “arm extension”
You can get a mechanically operated thru-hull for that one fitting. There are several different designs that fit over the existing thru-hull and electrically operate the handle and have micro switches that illuminate on the control when the valve is fully open or fully closed to report on the condition of the actual valve.
Feb 15, 2008
Hunter 49 Sydney
Good read and Info.So I have H49 with same FP 12 setup. Yep that skin fitting is very hard to get at and mine has only once been moved and will be replaced this season. I also have the wooden plugs pictured above, ready and waiting, god forbid I should have to use them.
I have 3000hrs up on my Genset and only this year have I started replacing all below water hoses.
I have had a black oily substance appearing in my bilge now for some time and only today do I believe I have found it. There is a black box in the bilge a muffler I believe not a water Seperator. This has a very small leak on the back side of it, which is where my water in the bilge is coming from and I believe (hope) its also the cause of the black oily mess. :( I thought the box was by Centek same as the Seperator, but it has no visible markings, unless its behind on the bulkhead. Does anyone know who made this box.

PS Hoses are not the only issue to check... read this about 1/2 way down over a beer Screensaver haul out unplanned–Bolinao, Santiago | Screensaver (wordpress.com)
