Upgrading Inverter/charger


Jun 3, 2004
Leopard 39 Pensacola
Yes, I do. And nowhere in the TE-13 standard covering lithium batteries are the words "shall" or "must" used.

I just perused the standard. The word “shall” is in the first sentence of every section after the definitions.

I didn’t count, but I would say the word “shall” is in 90% of the statements in the standard.


Jun 3, 2004
Leopard 39 Pensacola
Sorry, I wasn't clear. The discussion was addressing the TE-13 standard, specifically about a lithium battery BMS alarm. Nowhere in that standard is the term "shall" used.

It is possible that this standard has been updated with that change from the one I have.

Ahh, yes. TE-13 became a standard as E-13 in 2022 I believe. Prior to becoming a standard it makes sense they would use the word “should“ instead of “shall”.


Jun 23, 2016
Hunter 41DS Seattle
Confirmed on shall/must vs. should/recommended/encouraged.

Back to audible alarms - I don't have access to ABYC specs. All my sleuthing on the internet has resulted in the BMS shutdown audible alarm being should/recommended, not a shall/must. From: ABYC Ratifies E-13, their first lithium battery standard


The use of an alternate power system makes sense as well. It would be highly unusual, but having everything all go dark suddenly in a bad situation would definitely not be a good thing. There is a balance in all this stuff from a risk management point or view. Needing to cover everything from naive/newbie boat operators to the traditional cascading sequence of small failures and the BMS will never shut itself down on your boat until its oh-dark-thirty, bad weather, and a few other things have gone wrong and you really need that battery working right now :)

I guess if they ever make this a requirement, there will need to be some kind of nominal minutes on that warning, etc? And in practice it will require broader industry wide adoption as well? "Approaching" - is that a 15 minute warning, or a 15 second warning...

By the way - thanks all for the discussion on this.

I have a little raspberry Pi project that I want to get back to as part of my battery upgrades. I might put in some audible alarm (plus remote notification to my phone when I am far away) logic at some sort of top/bottom voltages, temp and and overall current in/out levels.