TV or not TV

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Feb 22, 2008
Cal 25 Great South Bay Long Island
Had and never turned it on but ...

Maybe nice to tune into local weather or news here and there but still never turned it on, not even for a vhs. It came with the boat.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Arrrgh, who needs "local news" on a boat?

We sail to get away from the mayhem on land! :)

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
Me, Stu!

Geesh, don't you folks have spouses? Don't you spend time on the boat without going out? We do. We spend maybe ten days or more a month on the boat. We don't always take her out. We have 15" flat screens and DVD players aboard in the main and aft cabins. We have about two dozen water-oriented DVDs aboard. Having said all that, we don't watch that much TV aboard. Mostly news and a few sitcoms. I do like checking local weather since I find it a bit better than NOAA. We rarely watch TV when cruising since we are busy doing other things or just taking in a new location, the sights and experience. All in all, I sure don't feel strongly about televisions or their use on boats. I do see a trend to bulkhead-mounted big flat screens that are tied into the nav systems. I have to admit that seeing a 40" chart display is pretty awesome! Rick D.
Jun 2, 2004
Oday 25 pittsburgh
Stu, the pluses and minuses.

I am on an inland lake with hills. I also sail to get away! The local news saved my butt twice. It wasn't even local (45 miles away). I got stuck on the lake once uninformed. I know local weather by the sky and have some weather knowledge. I have ducked severe fronts that came through with major lightning and severe wind. On a small lake, that can put you on shore in a minute. I was anchored where I could not see the weather from the west. With the hills to the west, I got hit hard. Since then, I listen to local weather on my 5" 12 volt TV in the am and the pm. The Local NOAH does nothing to local weather on the lake I sail. Without my TV, I would be limited as to the areas I spend time on my inland lake with out getting hit once in a while. Please remember that I spend from Thursday night to Sunday morning on the boat, rain nor shine. Every weekend is a mini cruise. Besides, when you sail an inland lake, they get very small very quick. TV, allows the rainy day option of vegging and enjoying the boat with the loved one. Just another opinion. r.w.landau


Jan 22, 2008
Oday 31 Little River, SC
Christmas relief

When you have children, with their diminished attention span, it is a lot easier to convince them to come to the boat on a Friday night and stay and sail with you the week end, if you have some sort of entretainment that appeals to them. In that light, I received for Chrismas a 19" flat screen TV and a Blue Ray player. The fact is that my wife and I do not need any entretaintment, a good book, or just good relaxing time is enough, but I rather have the inconvinience of distraction if is going to help me to retain my teenagers there with us. Usually we play a movie or two before lights out, at anchor, under way never.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
I was kidding :)

Yes, we have wifes. My wife doesn't like TV on the boat. She'd rather read or play scrabble. Our weather here is somewhat more benign than other parts of the country and if you've ever seen a weather report here you'd wonder why they still announce the temperatures in cities from San Jose to Santa Rosa (about 100 miles apart) because one's 56 and the other's 58. They could save a LOT of time by saying mid- to upper 50's all over. And our guys get their weather from NOAA, which is usually a day or so ahead of the TV guys. Our son liked the 13" with VHS that we got when we first bought the boat, now rarely sails, uses his computer for gaming when onboard. We used the TV to watch Captain Ron one night, and may do so again, but it's the TV in his room (he's at college now) and we'd have to lug it down to the boat. All in all, we prefer music or quiet. Your boat, your choice. :):)
Apr 24, 2005
Catalina 270 Lake Guntersville

If it was just me - I probably wouldn't have a TV on-board. I go to my boat to get away from all that stuff. I don't even watch much at home. But I am aware that many of my family and guests like to watch TV while "in port." So I was lucky to have my son buy a LCD TV with a built-in DVD player. Everyone enjoys it. Bill on STARGAZER
Jun 5, 2004
Hunter 27_73-83 Harrington, Maine
Herqe - whats up with all the pop ups

I recommend not clicking on that link

Mark Wieber

'ist das Opium des Volkes'

They used to say Religion is the opiate of the masses. Religion can't even touch Televission in the 'opiate' catagory. TV is addictive and gives you a false and measured view of the world. It tells you how to live, how to look, what to eat,what to buy,wear,do,see, and think. Televission incourages watching over doing, offering "experience" without risk. It allows a crooked vission of security and diverts are attention from the shear idiocy of the sherade. Still..., we have one on the boat:) Movies, and weather news mostly. I will not channel surf on the boat, and end up listening to the radio, and reading a lot more. I find having a few days each year off the grid has some amazing, healthy, mind opening effects.
Jun 22, 2004
What to do at night?Watch tv

A friend told me years ago that wives don't go sailing, so all you all that having sailing wives consider yourself lucky. He also said girlfriends and mistress go sailing. but since I only have a wife that doesn't go sailing , I guess I will watch TV. I want to add a flat screen 12 volt and have found one at Best Buy. I have scoured the internet looking for a mount that will raise the unit when in use and then lower it out of harms way when not in use. No luck. Does anyone have a suggestion of where to look?


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Bart, Maybe if she was treated like a girlfriend or mistress she

would want to go sailing with you. Be as attentive to her now as you were when you were dating her. Wives don't like being taken for granted any more than men do. Nancy doesn't much like sailing but she likes the boat, calls it her little house on the water. She can escape the telephone and television and all of the other distractions of the world.


Jan 24, 2007
Marlow-Hunter 37 Deep Creek off the Magothy River off ChesBay
ditto ross' comments (nm)


Jun 3, 2004
Catalina 30 Bay Shore, N.Y.
Having a 4 yr old.

I had a portable dvd player and last year I decided to get a flat screen and a dvd player cause it was on sale and figured that the portable's gonna take a crap living on the boat, well it did and its the best keep a little one busy when she gets cranky. I'll admit I've spent some time with Elizabeth watching a movie while at anchor and I'm guilty of watching Yankee playoffs or world series games at the dock.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Events happen around a boat that TV will never

be able to match but they don't happen constantly. These events are short duration but are worth the time spent watching and waiting. One day at anchor we saw a great blue heron and an eagle dive on the same fish. The heron won. Another day I saw a great blue heron land on the water where I know it is fifty feet deep and then it took off again as if it did that all the time. Another day an Osprey scored a fish near our boat, flew up to about fifty feet and shook the water out of its feathers like a dog shakes water out of its fur. Just watching the clouds build in ahead of a front can occupy me for hours while I read a book on deck.


Jan 24, 2007
Marlow-Hunter 37 Deep Creek off the Magothy River off ChesBay

we spent an extra day at an anchorage just because there were no other humans in sight; a sandy spit was a swim away; the water was warm; the beer cold; the dog happy....aaaaahhhhhh!

Max's Mom

T V Too Big

We have a Oday 322 sailboat which we just got last summer. Its our first boat. One of the first things hubby did was install a 26" HDTV with a built in DVD Player. We have to use rabbit ears to pull anything in clearly. I hate it. It takes up a lot of room. However, it is enjoyable to watch movies on especially Pirates of the Carribean. BUT I think I finally talked hubby into purchasing a smaller tv, maybe a 17" or 19" screen tv. About the only thing besides movies is the local Chesapeake Bay weather.

Bud Leist

Got TV

We're live-a-boards. I have a 26" Sharp Aquos on the bulk head wall and a netflix subsciption. It's a form of entertainment that always us to be hosed on boat insurance and slip fees.


I'll admit it ...

I love watching TV. Now with HD TV it couldn't be better. Our boat is too small and close to home to bother with a TV on board, but in the future, I am sure we will have as large an HD TV as we can install. The thing is ... if it's not HD, I'm not watching anymore. I love all the HD TV channels, the adrenaline rush sports are fantastic, baseball games are fantastic, football games are fantastic (I couldn't watch baseball or football all that much before HD), the nature shows (Ross) are absolutely spectacular and I don't care what you are seeing live, you can't get a better view than what you see on HD ;) I am absolutely HOOKED on catching every episode of "Hard Water" that comes out ... they're absolutely ... FANTASTIC! I love HD TV and it will be on our next boat when we move up. It will need Blue Ray for HD movies. That's the problem I have with movies ... most are not HD yet and we haven't bought the Blue Ray yet. I'd love to watch Capt Ron in HD but it is still worth watching in analog. :) When the weather is in HD, I'm sure that will be worth watching, too! I'll bet some charts on a nice big screen will also add to the fun factor. Don't get me wrong, I love reading books and I enjoy pretty scenery and pleasant conversation enough to put aside TV at any time. Still, I'm a baby boomer and TV is just too important to give up! Besides, when I'm reading, my wife wants to watch TV, preferably the Lifetime Channel. I can't take it, though because ... you guessed it ... it's NOT HD! BTW, I like music, but not as much as TV. I can't just sit listening to music for very long. I can usually only listen when I'm otherwise occupied with something that lets my mind wander. I also have a hard time with conversation and music, I can only participate in conversation if I'm not all that interested in the music and vice versa. *o
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