TV or not TV

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No need for TV

My wife and I have no TV on our 34MKII and I don't believe we ever will have one. We do have a 9" DVD player which we watch movies on. After the sun sets we pull out a movie from our library, we mix a drink, put our little DVD player on the dining table, grab a snack (popcorn, peanuts, etc.)and stretch out on the couch to watch our movie. We find it very relaxing to end our day this way.

Bob V

Best tv show that I watched on my boat

was a live feed from an underwater video camera that I had lowered into an open hatch on a sunken wreck. It was a calm night is a protected anchorage that I had visited specifically to free dive on a wreck in 30 ft of water. We pulled tight between two anchors (one on each side of the wreck) and watched the night shift on tv. The seals had a lot of fun playing with the camera since it was lit up, they found it fascinating. Bob V
Jun 19, 2004
Catalina 387 Hull # 24 Port Charlotte, Florida
Yes we do

In fact we have two. Both are TV/DVD 12 VDC units, one in the salon that is a 17" and one in the owners cabin that is a 9". We like the news, weather and the various programing available on NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, and the PBS channels. Here on the Chesapeake Bay, we generally have good to great reception with a mast top mount Galaxy antenna. Like others, we have a fairly large DVD collection of new releases and old stuff. A lot of the movies are water and boat orientated which we enjoy with a drink like someone else stated. Captain Ron is always a great one to watch with guests aboard!
Apr 26, 2007
MOSTLY WIT GUESTSPretty much like a lot of people out there

mostly when I have guests aboard we have the DVD player in the evening. When I'm by myself I read or daydream. Tom T


DirecTv on our 40.5

We rent an extra DirecTv receiver on our home account and hooked up to a regular DirecTv dish mounted on white PVC on the stern pulpit. Works great in a slip or at dock. When we anchor we forgo the TV, but anytime we are tied up, it usually only takes me a couple minutes to aim it.


Oct 17, 2004
Tanzer 29 Jeanneau Design Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie
9" DVD Player

No TV as yet, but we do have a 9" DVD player on the boat. It's only a 23' Precision, so space is limited. We enjoy popping in a favorite movie in the evening. Our player doesn't have very robust audio, so I have one of those Belkin FM transmitters plugged into it and play the audio though the stereo system. JerryA


Aug 24, 2005
Nassau 34 Olcott, NY

But I do have a lap top and some movies when I cruise for those rainy days.
Jun 12, 2004
Allied Mistress 39 Ketch Kemah,Tx.
Safety Gear

In addition to the obvious reasons to have a TV on a boat is safety. When it comes to coastal cruising on the Gulf of Mexico, TV oftentimes gives us the most accurate weather forecasts. NOAA is a very expensive joke perpetrated on the boaters. Even before we moved aboard full time, we still enjoyed our TV at anchor on long coastal cruises.

Final results

Final results for the Quick Quiz ending March 2, 2008: On my boat, TV is: 63% Nonexistent 29% Used for occasional DVDs 06% A big part of cruising 05% Important for the kids
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