Tucson, AZ Sailors

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May 17, 2004
Other Catalina 30 Tucson, AZ
Are there any Tucson sailors out there on this forum? Probably mostly trailer sailors I would guess. I'm curious as to where and what you sail. If you go to the Sea of Cortez, how far is it and where do you put in. The reason I'm asking is that it appears we'll be weighing anchor from So Ca and moving to Tucson in the near future. Any Phoenix sailors can chime in also. I've been to lake Pleasant and that is a nice location. Last year I was in Sedona,AZ and it was my intention to go north to Flagstaff and then head to Lake Havasu. Unfortunately, I40 was closed due to snow so we headed south to Phoenix. A fellow RV'er told me about Lake Pleasant so we stopped at a resort there. After getting setup, my first stop was the marina but the gates were locked. I always gravitate to the docks and I was like a kid looking in the candy store window. A mate saw me and took pitty on me and let me in. Turned out he was a Catalina 25 owner and one thing led to another. He showed me his boat and all the upgrades and we had a grand old time talking about sailing. Unfortunately, there was no wind so we could not go out for a putz around the lake. Anyway, arn't sailors just a great group of folks!! RV'ers are cut from the same cloth also.
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