Transmission output rust

Sep 24, 2018
Catalina 30 MKIII Chicago
I'm having a new shaft and coupler made but the mating surface on my transmission output has some light surface rust on it. I've read that surface rust on a coupling means that it's essentially no good or if worth it, needs to be resurfaced. Should I be concerned? If so, can I use rust remover or acid on it so I don't remove metal unevenly?
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
Assuming it is just surface rust, and hasn’t degraded the output flange, I would clean it up and not worry about it. If for some reason you suspect if affects the ability to align the shaft/coupling and output flange, then that would need to be further investigated. But the output flange does not use a press fit to the shaft coupling.

Rust in the shaft coupling would be something to worry about. But even then, I suspect most used shafts/couplings are rusty :confused:
