Trailer For O'Day 22

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I have a 1972 O'Day 22 and am in dire need of a replacement trailer. Does anyone know where I can find a suitable trailer? If I can locate a suitable "base" trailer, having a "latter" type construction, I can fabricate the rest of it. Any ideas? Warren

corey pelton

"custom" trailer

I recently purchased an 86 O'Day 222 w/ no trailer. FOund a MacGragor 21' trailer at a yacht brokerage and did a little custom work to make it fit. Problem was I was in AR and the boat was in Nashville, TN. I had to guess at my custom work. I took off the wooden bunks from the Mac trailer and made several spacers out of 2x6 lumber. The spacers were about 10" long. I bolted one spacer uner the new bunk at the frint of the trailer and four under the bunk at the rear (Oday has a higher keel than the Mac). This provided enought room after trial and error trying to gett he boat on the trailer. Somehow I need to get more tongue weight foreward but will work on that now that the boat is home safely. Corey

Jim Hughes


Corey,if you raise the bunks some more on the front of the trailer,it will raise the boat and the boat will have to come forward more to snug itself into the rubber bow stop.By the boat being forward more, you have more tongue weight.Hope this helps. JIM
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