TIPS or TRICKS for Backing out of Slip

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Depends on your boat sometimes

Some designs just don't back up well. 70's boats and full keelers are notorious for being hard to back up. I have a full keeler with a sprit and always look for someone who will handle my bow line from the dock. If you have an A4, there are now props made to improve backing.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Dcmeigs, some clarification please.

An inboard mounted aft of the rudder on the center line of the transom? How do you do that?


Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 33.5 Middle River, MD
Use a spring line

If you are trying to back out of your slip, loop the eye of a dockline from your stern cleat,around the piling next to your transom on the side you need to back towards and back to the cleat. As you back out let the line play out until the boat is about halfway out. Hold it fast to the cleat and your stern will be held and the boat will turn towards the line. You may have to adjust the length so your bow can clear. When you are headed in the right direction put the transmission in neutral, release the bitter end of the dockline and haul it in. Using spring lines to modify the direction of you boat can be used in all sorts of situations, it just takes a little thought and analysis. Go to the Quantum Sails website, they have a guy on there staff that knows all of these tricks and puts on a great "class" at Sailboat shows around the country. I forget his name (Captain somebody) but he has his own section within the Quantum site that may be helpful. If you get to a show try and see one of his "classes", he very informative and entertaining. Tom s/v Orion's Child


Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 33.5 Middle River, MD
Here's a link

Here's a link to Captain Jack Klang. Click on "Docking and Maneuvering" to download a PDF file. It has diagrams of the maneuver you need. Tom s/v Orion's Child


Thaks for all the input

I tried the spring line saturday with some success, each week I will try something different till I get it right. Thanks for all reply's Bill
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