The Bigfoot mystery

Aug 16, 2006
Ericson 32 Oregon coast
Bilbo, I dunno but I'd bet that the orginal-

legend started with a psychedelic experience after eating some of those mushrooms
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
Dermal Ridges a Drying Artifact

Dennis it seems your ridges are drying artifacts!!! I am constantly amazed at the things that people believe!!!!

Working in Science for 25 years paid and 5 years in school I tend to be critical of evidence. You can not take anything at face value. Right now I am studying gene expression in some cells after being treated with cytokines. All looked well until I looked too hard!!! It seems that my reference genes are changing more than the genes that are being studied. Also so far the data is crap and a couple of experiments will have to be repeated. If we had wanted to believe we could have taken the first numbers as the truth. It might have looked good to a non -scientist not familiar with RT-PCR but a knowledgable person would have immediately noticed the weakness of the data.


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer
So even the foot anatomists are being fooled?

and none of the present ridges now discovered are real dermal artifacts at all???? Well interesting, but Mr. Meldrum knows anatomy and how the foot contours to the ground as it progresses forward......... As I said pressure points, toe expansion and contraction from contact, etc. Upon reading this book, at least my mind is once again open to the possiblity, however remote!!!! Reports keep coming in, even from trained trackers, hunters, etc. so what are they seeing?????
Jul 19, 2007
Hunter 26 Brookville Indiana
OMG, agreeing with Moon, The End May Be Near !

You go male! (Is that the way manly men encourage one another on daytime TV?)


Lots of bad, manipulated, hopeful, just plain wrong data out there.

{One of the reasons global warming is such a fraud. No critical exam of each step of the process. Just lemmings following each other over a cliff. (But I digress.)}

Proof is not conjecture backed up by an "artifact". It is artifact, artifact, artifact, artifact, artifact, artifact, artifact, theory, independent verification, anti-thesis, artifact, artifact, independent verification, anti-thesis, artifact.......oh, you get it.
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
Most Scientists are Looking for the Truth

While there are artifacts and data that is questionable science is IMHO the best technique for discovering the truth. We are just begining in my lab to study these genes using RT-PCR in a few months we will have worked out the bugs and will be generating good data. We want to know the truth and don't care which genes are expressed in what amount. We just want to know the truth. But of course we could have a dream a vision and know the truth by supernatural means. Then there would be no confusing facts. reality can get in the way of some really great ideals. My favorite is psycokinesis. PK is such a fantastic ideal but it doesn't work,at least for me.
As to Big Foot it may exist!!!! But IMHO if there was such a creature we would have more verifiable evidence . Maybe a few fossils??? Some hair and feces. And most probably some road kill!!!!! As previously stated it is impossible to prove a negative. But most rational reasonable people want some evidence that something exists before they believe that something exists. Different people have different standards of proof. For some a few strange sounds at night is proof that a house is haunted. For some the fact that the universe exists proves that there is a god who created everything. Dennis is betting that a little anecdotal evidence proves that there is a bigfoot and that is OK. I believe that there is really IMHO a great lack of evidence in support of there being a big foot that it probably does not exist and that is OK.
Jun 15, 2004
- - Edmond, OK
Moon, most scientists spend very little time looking for truth.

About 90% of the time is spent looking for money. The other 90% is spent going to meetings and filling out required forms. :)
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
Mike Yes and No

You need money to do research!!!! But applying for grants etc requires an extensive search of the literature and the developement of a research plan. You are right in that a lot of time is used to acquire funding. But the goal should be getting money to do research. Upper level scientists spend much of their time getting money but they also if successful have people working for them that actually do the experiments. The system sucks but there must be some way to allocate limited funds to the most deserving research.
Jun 15, 2004
- - Edmond, OK
Moon, it was meant as a joke, one that I was certain you would "get"

I agree that, despite the intellectual pain that is inflicted by the system, it does serve a purpose. Some of the worst science is conducted when there is little competition for the money. On the other hand, some very good science is left undone when competition is too fierce or unfair. IMHO, as someone who plays a role in determining who gets what, the pendulum currently is swung too far to the latter in most cases. However, I know of some programs in which complete crap is funded just because the money needs to be distributed. Such is the world of extramural research.


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer
Moon there is hair.......... Read the book.........

There are unidentifiable hair samples from something, that fall between ape and man........... There is a lot on hair samples under study, and DNA.... The DNA also falls between ape and man...... The book surprized me, as I though science would refute the existence of Bigfoot, but instead it weighs heavily toward it........ Are we on the brink of a major discovery?????????????? I of course cannot relate all that is in the chapters of said book, but for anyone interested in the observations now being taken by real science, giving the subject consideration, and following through, it is the book to read......... Sasquatch Legend, Meets Science..... It is not just a bunch of stories, but instead is analysis.............


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer
Also the dermatographics

Of the tracks have now been examined by not only the fingerprint experts that do the Primates at Yerkes, but also forensic people at several police departments..... One commented, By God they are real, so what do we do about it???? Very interesting.............. My mind is perplexed!!!! Accordingly the experts seem to say that since encounters are for the most part accidental, and parties that go out to find them only stay a short period of time (several weeks) that an expedition lasting 6 months to a year may be needed!!!! Now are all the experts, which include scientists, police, game wardens, etc. etc. wrong too?????? I urge anyone to read the evidence for themselves!! Its uncanny........... It certainly seems improbable that a giant ape-like creature could exist just outside human boundaries and go for the most part un-noticed... Although reports of encounters are up!!!! It is mind blowing!!! Voice recordings are also being investigated, and experts now say no human could duplicate them... We just dont have the wind...........
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
Mike I thought that there was sarcasm

But for some young investigators maybe 90% of their time is trying to get money. I have a friend who worked as a post doc for 7 years before he got funding as an independent investigator. Types of research fall out of fashion. I knew a neuroantomist that had tons of funding for years doing sterotaxic surgery. Then it fell out of fashion and late in his career he tried to reinvent himself as a molecular biologist. He ended up lecturing and essentially leaving research.