The Bigfoot mystery


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer
I am in the process of reading the book, Sasquatch legend meets science.... With the idea that science is finally examining the Bigfoot issue. One encounter goes like this:::: A man came up over a small hill, overlooking a valley.... He saw a deer near the edge of the wood line.... All of a sudden he heard a very loud scream, which made the deer freeze briefly.... That is all it took as suddenly, he claims a giant biped stepped from the wood line, and grabbed the deer, snapping its neck... The supposed Sasquatch lofted the deer over its shoulder and turned to vanish into the woods once again............... Now noting this story, the man would have no reason to lie or make it up.... But if he didnt lie or make it up,,, What the hell did he see????????????????????? The list of encounters goes on..... Very interesting.....


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio
Messin with

Dennis, there's no accounting for why someone would go out into the wilderness and make bigfoot tracks in the mud or why they would put a gorilla costume in a freezer.
Not that I don't believe but I think that many weird stories are for fun or attention. I was researching an area of coastal B.C. a while back and they had in the news a whole town hear one of these screams inside their houses. Another guy watched one swimming or wading for quite some time...They never have photos though.
Now here's one story that's very similar...
but this ones even more similar....
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
With 6,500,000,000 people running around the planet

Dennis ther eare roughly 6.5 billion people running around almost everywhere on the planet. Yet no one has found a bigfoot. I put bigfoot into the same basket as the loch ness monster. Remember the famous nessie photo that turned out to be an inflatable pool toy??? Liars have always known that it is virtually impossible to prove a negative. I can not prove that there is not a "great Pumpkin". The same with ghosts. How on earth can you prove that ghosts do not exist??? Demons??? Supposedly they have thousands of demonic possession cases in Italy every year. How can you prove that these people don't have satan within their souls??? Heck how can you prove that people don't have independent souls??? SOOOOOO what is a rational person supposed to do??? I have taken the postion that unless there is tangible proof that something exists I will assume that it does not exist. Sure things exist that I don't acknowledge assume that anything anyone imagines does exist in fact is worse. In the worlds of one of my heros Thomas Jefferson. " I am satisfied and sufficently occupied with the things which are, without tormenting or troubling myself about those which may indeed be but of which I have no evidence."


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer
Problem is????

If you read this book, you will have to come away with the notion, that something is amiss!!! Dermal ridges found within the tracks, of which hoaxes would be VERY hard to carry out!! DNA samples that are neither ape nor man but something else?? I have followed the Bigfoot story since a teen, and now am 60!!! The book has experts look at the Patterson film, of which many say is a fake, but what they come up with utilizing digital enhancement is astonishing!! It is pointed out that fake prints are easy to tell, but some of them, are a question!!!!!People continually pulling off hoaxes certainly will affect the way science looks at this situation!! I am still a skeptic, but the book certainly has altered my perception of the subject!!!!
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
Dennis There is no Bigfoot would be a short book

There is no bigfoot written by Moonsailer.

After reviewing the mountains of anecdotal evidence I have concluded that Big Foot is a myth.
The end

I doubt that I can sell many copies of this book!!!! There are advantages to keeping the myth alive. Look at the Loch Ness monster. Who would have even heard of Loch Ness without the monster??? Nessie is definately good for tourism. They have lists of Haunted Houses and even hotels. People travel and stay at these hotels hopeing to see a ghost. Hundreds of ghost books!!!! I remember my grandson being afraid one night he heard scratching at the window and strange shadows. That could have been the start of a great ghost story!!!! But I ruined the fun and pointed out that the wind blowing on the bushes outside his window was making the noise and the shadows.
Camping with my nephews timmy woke me up at an ungodly hour 2-3 am very excited (scared ) something was sniffing around our tent!!!!! I told him that it had better be really mean to wake me up in the middle of the night!!!! Timmy open the flap and see what is out there!!!! HE opened the flap and came face to face with a man eating white tailed deer!!!!! No apparition or bear just a nosey little deer. If he had not opened the flap to look and see what was there who knows what he would have told his Mom??? There are bears in those woods and a logger had warned us that his camp had been raided. It would have been a much more interesting story if it had been bigfoot sniffing around our camp!!!! Even a bear would have been a better story!!!!! If Timmy had seen numerous apparitions floating around the field...I could write a book. But no one is interested in a doe sniffing around a tent.


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer
Moon, Bigfoot has a history

Indians carved his likeness on their totem poles, along with real animals!!! Why would they put one imaginary animal in with a real group??? The Sasquatch is instilled well into indian folklore and legend!!! I guess the point is, should not it be investigated, as certainly some of the evidence, points to something out of the ordinary, either past, present, or future???? Your camping trip takes note, with some investigators!! They reported that something came into their camp, and they heard it brush their tents, but did not venture out to see what it was!!!!! That made me wonder!!! I would have been out of that tent seeing what was invading the camping area!!!! I certainly think that people should still look into the subject, as new species are being discovered (some mammals), yearly!!! It is a subject that holds ones interest!!! The scene I described earlier, in a previous post, would make a good movie clip!!!! Just dont cut your book to short quite yet!!!!


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio
The problem with the

6.5 billion people running around almost everywhere on the planet theory is that people really aren't running around everywhere. There are fairly remote places that rarely see humans and there are scarcely populated areas where a wary animal can move about unseen. Whitetails act differently when they are in a hunted area. For example, in the Shenandoah Mts. You can basically walk right up to a deer and touch it. In Pa. hunting areas, it is rare that you can get within 50 ft of one on foot. They learn. Some of the sightings mention them throwing rocks or hiding from humans behind objects. So a biped humanoid may be wary of humans and probably for just causes. Another example is that I have heard that Coyotes live in my area. I have never seen one that I know of. This does not mean to me that they don't exist. Animals can live right under our noses without us seeing them. A Sasquatch may be mobile and smart enough to travel by night undetected right through a city.

Humans are discovering additional species constantly. Animals that may be new species or species that we previously didn't know existed.

The problem with hoaxes are that when some odd subject (Like bigfoot, Loch Nessie, UFOs, paranormal stuff....) starts to get a bunch of hoaxes, it tends to discredit the reports that 'may' have some validity. This is certainly true of UFO sightings. Many UFOlogists would argue that the US govt. perpetuated some of the hoaxes to derail the validity of more legit. research. Personally, I don't know. All I know is that many pilots and astronauts have been reporting seeing strange UFOs. Some things aren't explainable with anecdotal evidence. Some people will not be satisfied until they actually see the evidence in their face. or until FOX news posts a legit vid of a bigfoot being interviewed. Alas, even then...

It may be that Bigfeet (Bigfoots) are Dennis' hobby. That's OK. My take is that it's possible.


Sep 30, 2006
Chaser 29 San Pedro
Bilbo, You hit the nail on the head

science admits to not knowing even 1/2 of the species on earth. New critters show up regularly. Even today, there are uninhabited and desolate places... there is really no way to say what does or does not exist.... sasquatch has a history as Dennis pointed out which makes it even more interesting.

What we lack is adequate funding. Maybe the beef jerky guys that use sasquatch in their ads should step up to the plate and offer a reward....
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
Bilbo Your Coyote Example

I have never seen a live coyote around my home but I do see their crap and I do see dead ones on the highway near my house. It is impossible to prove that bigfoot does not exist. BUT that is very different than not seeing a coyote. My brother has bears come through his property and has used a game camera to photograph at least one just 100' from his house. But I have never seen a bear in that part of the cuntry even though I have hiked the appalachian trail for many nights alone and in a group. BUT hunters have killed bears in the area. There is concret absolute proof that bears and coyotes live in the area!!!! As far as I know there is no concret proof of a bigfoot. There are enough wild animals known to live in America without me worrying about animals of which I have no proof. IMAGINATION makes the world more interesting!!!!! So whatever people want to imgaine is fine with me...but that does not mean that what they imagine exists in reality. Down at Saint Joseph State Park near Panama City Florida there is a little dwarfed forest . I can easy imagine pixies and faires have a grand ole time skinny dipping on the beach and then dancing late into the night in the forest....PROVE ME WRONG!!!!! IMHO there is at least as much chance of Pixies and Faires dancing in the miniture forest as there is that ther eis a bigfoot roaming north america.
Aug 16, 2006
Ericson 32 Oregon coast
Dennis, some of those ancient drawings

might have been a result of ingesting magic mushrooms. They probably not only saw hairy creatures but neon ones too.
Jul 19, 2007
Hunter 26 Brookville Indiana
Bigfoot is a hoax, or not.

I must admit, every time there is a show on the Discovery Channel about the subject I watch. They always end the same. No conclusions.

Physical evidence has not been perfected to be convincing but some of the eye witness accounts are hard to dismiss.

In particular, accounts of how the creatures will stand in the woods and pelt tents and cabins with pinecones and rocks sound interesting.

Nothing against Dennis, but I do not believe the deer story. Deer are very wary animals and 7 ft. tall long haired omnivores could not smell very good nor move with the stealth needed to ROUTENLY snag a deer. I suppose it could happen, deaf deer maybe, but to have been there to see it, very improbable.


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer
As to the deer and Bigfoot

The scientist was relating how some animals can pitch their respective screems to kind of stun an animal, so they can prey on it. Tigers have these pitches etc, and according to him so do primates......... As to promiscuity leading to demons possession, well then all primates must be demon prossessed.... The thing that is interesting concerning the Patterson film, is that with digetal improvements it is evident that the Sasquatch is opening and closing its mouth, which is not visible without the enhancement..... Who in 1967 knew that someday they might be able to enhance a picture so well as to show that???? The dermal ridges is another thing.... Im an artists and sculpting dermal ridges onto a foot pattern to fake a bigfoot imprint would be even hard for me.... They are laid down so perfectly for a living animal.....Just a thought!!!
Jul 19, 2007
Hunter 26 Brookville Indiana
Yeah OK, but.

Call me silly. I have always questioned authority, ie, "scientists", etc, and don't get me started on archeologists! We could be here all day!.

I get that scream thing. Hunters do the same. Make a sharp noise and the deer freezes for a few seconds, giving you a chance to shoot. But....

A 7 ft tall Bigfoot is not a tiger who can spring 20 feet from a crouch, nor is it a 2 foot tall spider monkey going for a mole.

This is a big, big biped going for a fast, fast easily spooked amimal.

I can appreciate what you say about the foot prints.


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio

"I must admit, every time there is a show on the Discovery Channel about the subject I watch. They always end the same. No conclusions."

So do many people. So then, infact Bigfoot isn't a hoax it has grown legs and it generates big advertising revenue for these T.V. stations. I remember even seeing a movie on the subject of the search...something like the The Legend of Boggy Creek....

Now, MoonSailer may be not quite gullible enough to buy into this sort of entertainment but it sure is fun to tell ghost stories around the camp fire on a dark night.

Locally, we used to have "The Green Man." Some electrical lineman who hung from the wires by his hands until his skin turned green.

Then there's the story about the kids who went "parking" on some secluded dark country road. They overheard a news broadcast about a psychopath killer on the loose and when they got home they found a dismembered hand stuck in the door handle.

Then there's the Cement mixer guy who discovered his wife cheating with some guy so he filled the guy's fancy convertible up with wet cement.

My own grandmother had one about an old friend from H.S. whom she hadn't seen in 30 years. Ran into her in the dept. store, talked to her for several minutes and later discovered that the woman had died ten years prior. The woman's name was Blodwyn Evans...<a nice touch.

It's always good to tell these stories like you were part of the storyline and then at the end swear on a stack of twinkies that they are 100% true.


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio
Yes Merg

Deer are very agile and I would think that an 8' tall biped would be able to get going time. Of course there's no accounting for what happen in Nature sometimes. Bumble Bees can't fly for example....Well this is partly true, they are not very good at it at least.

ON the other hand, As I said, there are some places where the wilderness is very secluded. I think that up in B.C. there are places where people just have not been to. It would be a good place to hide an 8' tall ape-man or at least the story of one.

Dennis has a point about the foot prints. Few hoaxers would be able to cover all of the angles. What they need is remains, a photo could be taken of an area of the woods with automatic motion or infrared based shutter cams. Even some of the military spy satellites can get pretty accurate photos from space. ya'd think that it's not as challenging as the SETI project but it would be pretty challenging. Google maps shows pretty good details for what it does but is not adequate-nor would the gov. want it to be.


Sep 30, 2006
Chaser 29 San Pedro
Here in Los Angeles there have been sightings

of a big hairy beast roaming around for food late at night... My kids and wife say they have seen him on the prowl many times.

I really don't believe them because I get up during the night all the time to snack and have never caught a glimpse of him!


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer
It is not just foot prints either

Dermal ridges on hand and butt prints as well! Also Troy reports come in here in VA and many other places across the US, Canada, and S. America....... Anyway the writer of the book says that a ten thousand dollar booty has been set up for anyone who can duplicate the Patterson film, on location, in a monkey costume.... According to analysis, the walking patterns for the Bigfoot pictured, cannot be copied by humans............There have been no takers.....


Jun 4, 2004
Macgregor Venture 222 trailer
Further analysis on the feet....

Im into a very informative chapter in the book Sasquatch Legend meets Science, by Jeff Meldrum..... This anatomist along with other foot specialists, have shown how the impressions of many Bigfoot tracks show not only variation within a species, but also variation in foot morphologies with regards to impact upon the ground.... Pressure points, toe lengths, dermal ridge changes, all of which are altered due to impact with various ground materials.... The idea most people have is of a static foot, with regards to the Bigfoot phenomenon, and this has been thought of as a results of faked hoaxes..... Mr. Meldrum points out how a real foot is very animated when it contacts the ground and adapts its shape to the environment it comes in contact with..... I dont think a person would travel a hundred miles out into the wilderness to leave tracks that show the flexing power of an animals foot....


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio
And a new find

Assuming that a species can last for 120 million years, why not an odd species of biped humanoid: