Square sail .. Big Blue flies!

Jul 15, 2012
Down Easter Downeast 45 Titusville
Okay, fair enough, maybe you will come to Florida.
I went to Seattle eleven years ago to look at a Hudson Venice and we sailed in the sound. It was very beautiful and we watched the mist rise, revealing Mount Rainier in all her glory, and with Otters chasing the boat. My wife asked me how we would get a whopping great 52-footer back to Florida, and I said we wouldn’t, we would move to Seattle. But we never did, and I bought my present boat in Fort Lauderdale. I called in on Brion Toss, who was the only guy who ever knew what the heck I was talking about, converting a ketch into a brigantine, and he gave me a few pointers – God rest his soul.
I’m afraid I can’t make head nor tail of your maths, but it would be interesting if you could possibly transpose my data, to see how near my seat-of-the-pants design fits the theory. It surely will be different, because for starters, my sail is attached all the way along the yard. Also, being completely reefable the loads will chance accordingly.
The most we’ve done so far has been with 36 knots up our backsides, doing 8 knots with a full course and as steady as a rock! That’s a good gale eight, and I don’t think many folks would be flying a spinnaker to catch us. More like some crappy little storm jib and fighting the wheel after every wave that passes.
I assure you, I do understand your design and the limitations of your boat size, and also, being a sloop you can’t rig truly effective braces which would enable you to use a longer yard. You might then actually be able to reverse the sail, and do away with the outriggers, since your sheets would lead inboard. But what the heck, if it works it works!
I also now appreciate some disadvantages of my own design, principally the weight at about 150lbs total. But at 22 tons and with a 14’ foot beam and a 6’6” long keel, she carries it all well enough, but I’m now looking into making a carbon fiber yard and mandrel, which will trim about 60lbs off. Then I will fit a roller furling tops’l above the course…and not a yard rat to be seen.
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