My dear LagunaJay, this is an interesting discussion for you and I, but you must realize that we are both flogging a dead horse in trying to suggest to the average owner that he might consider shifting slightly backward in history and look at a square-sail to augment his boat’s ability to sail better and easier downwind.
My own “invention” of a roller furling square sail has been based solely upon my experience of actually sailing on boats with various methods for flying one, Including a loose-headed sail much like yours, along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Initially, I approached two naval architects, offering copious amounts of dollars, with questions like, “What is the load distribution on a square(ish) sail pushing a boat directly downwind?” and “What would be the approximate length of a yard, (not a yard-spar sir—the term is simply yard, but since you are not British the error is excused
), for a 50’ foot schooner of 14’ foot beam and 6’6” draft?” Neither offered any clear advice, probably because they had no idea of the answer.
I have tried to answer these questions and more on my website, from the added experience with my own system.
But going back to my first paragraph, why bother? You and I have our perfect combination of sails, to sail in any direction, including backward if we like, (you can do that with a squaresail), so why keep trying to convert the unconvertable?