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Nov 22, 2008
Endeavour 32 Portland, Maine
I keep forgetting to turn on the SPOT in my current bumbling around cruising mode. I'm also finding that it's much less consistent about making contact with the satellites since I changed the batteries. There is a note inside the cover to use only Lithium which I ran out of. I thought that was just to insure performance in cold weather for winter hikers but the slight difference in voltage may effect its transmissions. It may be a bit before I can get ashore to buy Lithium batteries.

I'm currently at this location:

which appears as wild and unspoiled as much of Maine. I'd take a picture but the light is very poor this morning and would be just trees under a skyline. It's nice to find a place like this after spending so much time in an area where it seems 90% of the 1% have big houses.
Dec 8, 2006
Oday 26 Starr, SC
Bumbling closer to the North Star

Annapolis is one of those places that has meanings for sailors. Because of this there are hangers on who add ambiance.

Bacon sails is such a place. While it is a few miles west of the city docks, it offers a used equipment storefront. It is one of those places where sailboaters in particular drool while 'bumbling about'.


And visit the consignment area.

As to the comment, "It's nice to find a place like this after spending so much time in an area where it seems 90% of the 1% have big houses."

It is important in USA, aka, America, to understand that some people have worked hard and for a lifetime to have their 'castle'. Some of those big houses are overbuilt dreams. But for the most part they are dreams of your fellow Americans. I do not begrudge the dreams of those who have worked to build America. That 1% could be your brother, cousin or the guy you went to 5th grade with. So he made it. He has his statement. Praise him for his contribution while knowing it is not your vision of achievement.

I have been to what was behind the 'Iron Curtain'. I was in car passing rural village in Ukraine. Came upon a house built in image of picture of castle with towers and all. Here was a guy making his statement. The fact that he worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks of year for years to build his castle in not evident. I just respect his achievement, understanding it is not my way.

There are many ways to achieve. Houses are just but one. Another is to host a group of sailors...

Achievement is to be respected.

Ed K


Nov 22, 2008
Endeavour 32 Portland, Maine
You really believe that a significant percentage of that 1% actually worked their way up from nothing or achieved anything significant?

Please don't answer as this is not a political forum.
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