sleeping sideways

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Bob cascone

Is there a lot of noise in the rear cabin of the 380 or 376? We just spent the night on a friend's boat in their rear cabin at a dock and experienced a lot of noise from the waves slapping up against the bottom of the boat. Are Hunters also noisy? We are considering getting a 380 and would like to know. how are they at anchor?


Another reason to back into your slip!

Any Hunter or other will experience this slap regardless of size if there are waves about. Backing into your slip will prevent this and I've never heard the slap while in the V-Berth.

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
Loud Aft Cabins...

...are common. Thus, the stern curtain advertised here for a while that buffers the chop before it slaps against the stern. This is true of most aft cabins. However, I find it is usually only for a few hours, for example, when the tide is running. You do get used to it somewhat and it is a fair trade for having a true owner's cabin. At anchor(single)or bow mooring, I have never had that occur, as you might suspect, because the boat moves to the wind and current.

Paul Akers

Depends on the orientation...

...of the boat and the wind/waves. You were obviously stern-to the wind/wave action and this caused the slapping. At anchor/mooring you would face the wave/wind action and not experience the slapping.

Justin Wolfe

A double-ender

A double-ender is your only sure fire defense. Every boat with stern like a Hunter (most boats) is going to do the same. Anchoring is better because you are usually pointed into the wind and waves. However, everytime a powerboat goes by behind you'll get the dreaded SLAP!

Bob Knott

Slap Silencer

Bob, I too have a 380 and we sleep on it 40 to 50 nights a summer. This summer we found the slap too much for repeated nights, and felt we needed some help. I e-mailed Phil Herring privately and asked him what he thought of the slap silencer sold here through HOW, and he told me that the people he knew who bought it were happy with it. So... I bought one and we are THRILLED with it. It stops 90% of the slap and gives us a great nights rest. We use it whether we are on our morring (usually) or at a dock, it works in all conditions. One things I did notice is that the sea creatures love it so it must be washed down with fresh water each day, or the decomposing sea life will smell up your lazarrette like the head intake hose smells up the head. Slap silencer cost about $200 and was our best after market purchase for our 380! best of luck Bob

Helen P

Amazing Slap Silencer

Purchased the Slap Silencer and it is truly amazing. Slap is not detectable. Now if they can make one for my husband (snore silence)that would make for a great nights sleep. The Silencer is worth every penny.


aft wave slapping

If the winds are strong, won't any aft cabin experience slapping sounds? It has only been bad on our boat once this entire season. Sleep in the v-berth or main salon to eliminate the noise.
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