Securing anchor chain;


May 28, 2013
Catalina C310 SF Bay/Delta
Any suggestions on how to secure anchor / anchor chain in our C310 anchor locker?
At present I wrap couple turns around drum then slide chain link around each horn
of cleat at stern side of locker and hold with light cord with slip knot.

Clyde Thorington
C310 # 245
San Jose, CA
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Mar 6, 2008
Catalina 1999 C36 MKII #1787 Coyote Point Marina, CA.
I use 1/4" line tied to the end of the anchor then cleat it inside the chain locker. This will prevent the anchor from falling off its cradle. I leave the chain slightly loose.
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Dec 16, 2011
Catalina 310 Atlantic Highlands
At present I wrap couple turns around drum then slide chain link around each horn of cleat at stern side of locker and hold with light cord with slip knot.
I do the exact same thing.

Tom J

Sep 30, 2008
Catalina 310 Quincy, MA
I use a snap-over-center chain snubber to hold the chain taut, then use a heavy line through the anchor eye and the stem fitting.
Mar 6, 2008
Catalina 310 Scott Creek, VA
I use a turn around the windlass and lock a link on the cleat horn then behind the other horn to lock it in. I have a short line from the cleat with stainless carabiner that fits through a link of chain forward of the windlass as backup. I also tie a line between the two bow pulpit stanchions with a dead turn through the anchor eye (Rocna 15 kg). If you ever were sailing along on a reach at six knots and suddenly heard anchor chain paying out through the roller in big seas under full sail when exiting the tunnel in Chesapeake bay and wondered if you can turn up into the wind before the anchor sets and rips the dead end cleat out of the anchor locker you learn to go belt and suspenders so it never happens again.


Jun 3, 2012
Hunter 33 Steamboat Wharf, Hull, MA
Two quality bungy cords. Buy the solid rubber with stainless hooks versions. Hook one end in the chain with a little stretch and the other end to a U bolt at the rear of the anchor locker that is probably already there for the bitter end of your anchor rode. These will be totally within the locker. No real risk of failure with two in parallel. Will keep anchor snug against the roller without rattle. Take a few seconds to manually connect or disconnect.

Tom J

Sep 30, 2008
Catalina 310 Quincy, MA
I use a turn around the windlass and lock a link on the cleat horn then behind the other horn to lock it in. I have a short line from the cleat with stainless carabiner that fits through a link of chain forward of the windlass as backup. I also tie a line between the two bow pulpit stanchions with a dead turn through the anchor eye (Rocna 15 kg). If you ever were sailing along on a reach at six knots and suddenly heard anchor chain paying out through the roller in big seas under full sail when exiting the tunnel in Chesapeake bay and wondered if you can turn up into the wind before the anchor sets and rips the dead end cleat out of the anchor locker you learn to go belt and suspenders so it never happens again.
I saw this happen once and learned from someone else's misfortune. I was admiring a beautiful classic yacht anchored on a cove on Mt. Desert Island in Maine, and the slow clack, clack of the chain could be heard as the windlass came alive. As the yacht got under way, though, I heard a loud rattling noise as the rode suddenly payed out. The bowman had just gotten back to the cockpit, and I can imagine the reaming he got then.