Sailors on the Cutting Edge

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Dec 8, 2006
Oday 26 Starr, SC
Roger and Brian, two sailors on the cutting edge. Great picture of tool in use and great reference web site:

It was said in Roger's post, "One of the things Four Points and I discussed on our passage from Atlantic City to Stamford, CT was how post titles affect view counts. He said anything with “Rikers Island” in it would generate big stats so I just threw that in. After all, we went right by it."

Rikers Island does not mean squat in the south. Now NASCar gets attention of even sailors. Maybe Vendee as in would attract sailors.

Congratulations go to Brian Vendee... for his racing and navigational lessons ... and working the miraculous tool.

In the south, we climb into the water. Know that it is 72 degrees off the South Carolina coast:

Too bad Roger was in a panic to go where ice bergs roam. The waters down here are therapeutic for back problems...

Ed K



Jan 22, 2008
Tartan 37 287 Pensacola, FL
Hey, I knew about Rikers Island from the "Law and Order" show. They were always visiting some low life there.

72 degree water?!?! Piffle!! The rain storms just came through and cooled down the water a bit. But then again, I can't see my prop from the dock. So I would have to get IN the water to clear it.
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