Sail flaking tips

Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
furling the main: drop the main on deck, working the leech, pull it firmly away from mast, grab an arms length and roll it into the pocket between you and the boom, grab another arms length of leach, repeat. working down the leach until the last four ish feet and you have created a pocket out of the foot of the sail. roll up the pocket tightly and lash to the top of the boom with sail ties. spread out the cover, starting at the mast and cover.

repeals rain and dirt, very neat, easy to deploy for next hoist, can be done by one on aeolus but a crew is best,

do while holding the boat into the wind, then the wind helps.

same with mizzen.

have always done this. great for high winds lashed down with the sail tucked into its own pocket.

old school, baby, very easy

not a fan of any of the above methods. the sail is not well secured when down. don't want lines aloft when sailing, worst is a big canvas pocket that covers the foot of the main when sailing.
Jon, I stowed my main on my previous boat in the same method you described. I did not like any of the lazy jake systems for all of the reasons you mention. When I got Papillon 25-years ago, she had the EZJax system I described in a previous post which overcame all of the problems you mentioned but still keeps the sail on top of the boom and off the deck when dropping single handed. I now have a sail pack system that also gives protection while not covering the foot of the sail when sailing. WIN, WIN, WIN.