Safely at the Dock

Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Interesting coincidence. I"be been thinking off and on for years what to replace and fill the hole in my cockpit where an old SONY remote controller resides. I was thinking of a smallish external speaker for my fixed mount VHF so I could monitor the WX channel. Anyone know of a solid weather proof flush mount speaker?I

Cool shot!:thumbup:
May 27, 2004
Hunter 30_74-83 Ponce Inlet FL
Looks like a typical summer afternoon cloud formation here in Florida! :biggrin:
Oct 29, 2016
Hunter 41 DS Port Huron
do they ask for weather conditions when you submit? Temp? HUmidity? Etc. We get some interesting clouds in Oz.
Don't know yet, they have an automatic response acknowledging the submittal they may come back and ask for more information though.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Don't know yet, they have an automatic response acknowledging the submittal they may come back and ask for more information though.
thanks. It would be good to know if they do in case a catch something interesting in the skies