Rudder Post/Bildge Area

Jul 16, 2020
Lancer 25 Marina Del Rey, CA
Check out these photos and let me know what ya think of how to repair this. I've had the boat a long time and didn't take a close look into this worn out area. There's water in there and I'm wondering where you think it could be coming from. You can see the shaft that runs vertical where the rudder post travels. I'm wondering if I should pump the water out of there and seal off the area, or just seal it off some how? wood, screws and sealant? Acrylic sheet? Do you think the water is from the bilge? Am I looking at the bilge? thanks in advance!


Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
I don’t know your boat, but I assume that the only source of water intrusion is the rudder post. I wouldn’t just seal the area up without first addressing whatever issue you have with the rudder tube. You dont want to have water sitting in there, rotting away whatever it comes in contact with.

I would be investigating the rudder tube (opening that bulkhead up as required to get in there) if that the only access.
