
Jun 6, 2006
currently boatless wishing Harrington Harbor North, MD
If you want to understand the concept of infinity just think about human stupidity!!!!


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
Personally, I can't see any difference between this rescue and the rescue of the professional crew from Rainmaker, several weeks back. That storm system was just as well predicted as this one, but they called for rescue from a boat with much less reason than these idiots.
They still had 2 engines and full fuel tanks!
It is becoming increasingly apparent that any fools, be they experienced professionals on a 1.5 million dollar yacht or these two Aussies with zero experience, are banking on the American public to bail them out, rather than set out with the ability to safely complete the voyage.
All this does is drive us closer to government intervention into one of our last existing liberties. I've heard it often costs more than the value of the boat for the safety equipment to go offshore from New Zealand.


Jul 3, 2004
- - cape cod , MA
They claimed that they are going to salvage the boat and ship it back to Australia for repairs.....Boat must have been pretty rough for $10,000 @ 43'.
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
It is the rest of the story but it doesn't exonerate this voyage. The reason they ignored advice about the danger sailing off New England in February is that they thought it would be worse in the Southern Ocean and too far from land to be rescued. So as far as I'm concerned they were abusing the USCG and doing so knowingly. It was part of their plan. I'm just glad it worked out for the USCG. As we all know there have been deaths of the rescuers in those conditions, or in conditions not as bad.
Jun 8, 2004
Catalina 320 Dana Point
Most rescuers try to think of their "clients" with apparent judgment and decision making deficiencies as "job security" and not make ANY value judgments regarding the rescue, healthier that way. You want to treat each person just like you'd want a member of your own family to be treated, regardless of how they got themselves there.
When they'd grumble about going out at 3am in the rain I used to remind co-workers that if the average IQ was just a couple points higher they wouldn't need "some of you guys".
Nov 26, 2008
Endeavour 42 Cruisin
The gunboat had jettisoned the mast and was motoring but managed to get sheets fouled in the props. It was too rough to go overboard to free the lines from the props. That's when they called for help. They still should not have been out there.
May 4, 2005
Macgregor 26d Ft Lauderdale, Fl
Personally, I can't see any difference between this rescue and the rescue of the professional crew from Rainmaker, several weeks back. That storm system was just as well predicted as this one, but they called for rescue from a boat with much less reason than these idiots.
They still had 2 engines and full fuel tanks!
It is becoming increasingly apparent that any fools, be they experienced professionals on a 1.5 million dollar yacht or these two Aussies with zero experience, are banking on the American public to bail them out, rather than set out with the ability to safely complete the voyage.
All this does is drive us closer to government intervention into one of our last existing liberties. I've heard it often costs more than the value of the boat for the safety equipment to go offshore from New Zealand.

the gunboat 55 ?

it doesn't look like they had much choice but to abandon..whether they should be out there, IDK, gunboats are very fast and light cats...


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
It takes a certain type of person to standby while another needs the help they could easily give, because they think the victim is stupid.
Aug 3, 2012
Performance Cruising Telstar 28 302 Watkins Glen
Omg! I saw that boat on YachtWorld listings for months! I thought 10,000 was kinda cheap for a 43' racing vessel. Looked nice, but the lack of details was telling.

I agree... target practice AND the owners should pay for the ammunition as well as the rescue costs!

Won't be long now... we will all be lining up for DOT physicals and licenses...

