Replacing the power connectors on my old Raymarine52 VHf

Sep 26, 2008
Hunter 340 0 Wickford, RI
A friends 15 year old son is just starting to put his Ham Shack together and wants my Ray52 VHF that I just replaced. The mic cord is deteriorating, but it does still operate.
Honestly I think he just wants it for the look of multiple radios on the wall. But he’s more than welcomed to it.
I need to replace both the male and female power connectors for it before I give it to him. If you look close you can see a split in one of the leads that would go unnoticed and give a problem.
What would you use and where can I get a set?


Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
That is a very common Molex plug. A simple search will give lots of sources.
His ham radio license won’t be of any use with a marine VHF radio. And retuning it for 2 meters is not an easy task.
Sep 26, 2008
Hunter 340 0 Wickford, RI
Thank you Don,
I’ll search the name.
He really just wants it to monitor the channels. Given that they live on the water with only a street and break wall between them and the ocean, he will get he wants to hear coming and going up Narragansett Bay.