replace stainless rigging when!

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john manfredi

i recently purchased a 1991 30'catalina. the catalina owners manual says replace stainless rigging every 5 years, because cable failures in swedged fittings can't be inspected. boat has had cruising service in pacific nw and rigging looks fine with plenty of room left in turnbuckles. so my question is should i take catalina's recommendation for 5 year replacement seriously?

LaDonna Bubak - Planet Catalina


I don't think the five year "rule" is a little extreme. Ten years seems more reasonable, depending on what use it's seen & what it's expected to see. Hard usage, lots of sailing in very bad weather might warrant a five year replacement but floating around the PNW??? I don't think so. Don't take any chances, though. Have a rigger come out & check all standing rigging. They're trained to see things that a surveyor might not. THEN in 2001 or 2002, have him come out again & get his opinion on it. Jeez, my C27 is 26 years old & I'm 99.9% sure the rigging has never been changed. And I don't plan on changing it in the near future. I sail on the Columbia River & am NEVER out in nasty weather so the likelihood of having a problem while out is pretty nil. Luckily, I have a rigger friend who's checked it for me & he thinks it's fine. Take it for what it's worth (not much -hahaha!). LaDonna

Douglas G Young

Throw the dice

Its up to you. You never know how the boat was treated prior to your purchase. I would change a few stays at a time. Fore stay and back stay first. Then the forward side stays then the center stays and finaly the aft central or side stays. One ounce of prevention is worth a dismasting.

Bob Camarena

Another Variable

From what I've read, boats in colder climates can go longer than those in warmer climates. This means that you can go much longer in the NW or SF Bay than in So Cal where Catalinas are made (and presumably the recomendations are slanted in that direction). If you were in the tropics, you'd have to be even more careful. Freshwater vs. saltwater is another variable.

Robert Fischer

5 Year Recommendation

Every 5 years is playing it very safe. Most people don't push their boats too hard, If you put excessive loads (heavy weather sailing) on the rig regularly maybe you should consider replacements on a 5 year schedule. I keep an eye on lower swage attachments (that's where they normally break)I've been on racing boats when shrouds break. Always be ready to luff up and drop sail quickly when you hear that loud pop!!
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