Removing Datamarine instruments

Aug 14, 2014
S2 9.2A Selby Bay, MD
I am planning on removing my old Datamarine instruments in favor of a newer multi-function display (e.g. Maretron DSM150 or Triton T41). I have looked at the mounting of the existing instruments and it's not clear to me how to remove them without damaging the gelcoat around the instruments.

Has anybody removed their old instruments? If so, how? Also, has anybody replaced their old speed transducer with a newer one (e.g. DST800?)

Thanks for any feedback/guidance
Feb 8, 2014
Columbia 36 Muskegon
My Datamarines have a ring inside the boat held on with set screws, and other screws bearing on the inside of the bulkhead. If yours don't have those, they must be held in with sealant, hopefully not 5200. The only way out is to work a thin pry bar under an edge and pry like Woodster said. You'll likely destroy them in the process.
Aug 14, 2014
S2 9.2A Selby Bay, MD
Thanks for the quick replies! I think they may be installed with sealant, as I was able to take off the rings but could not budge the instruments at all. Sounds like a good project for the winter when the boat is on the hard.
Dec 1, 1999
Hunter 28.5 Chesapeake Bay
You may want to buy and use a product call Debond ( I used it some years ago on another boat and it did not harm the gel coat, but I would test it first on some hidden area.

I also made a garrot-like device using a very narrow gauge piece of stainless steel wire. Wrapped a piece of dowel around each end of a 12-inch piece of the wire to make hand holds. Work the loop of the wire around the edge of bezel to loosen or cut through the sealant.
Aug 14, 2014
S2 9.2A Selby Bay, MD
Thanks Warren - I'll check out the debond product. Love the idea of the wire as a way to cut thru the sealant
Sep 17, 2017
Pearson 28-2 washington nc
Windshield repair guys use an old guitar string--one that is "wound" and gives a sort of "cutting" action.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Practical Sailor has studied Debond and gave it a positive response.
When it comes time to remove a keel or through-hull that was bonded with 3M 5200, reach for DeBond Marine Formula. Score carefully, give it a little time, and your effort and patients will be rewarded.​
Time and heat help.