Reflagging and MMSI

Feb 3, 2009
Freedom 40/40 Rio Dulce, Guatemala
I am having a new boat built in South Africa. We will bring it back to the US for about two years and then take it to the South Pacific. It will initially be US-flagged, but when we go to the South Pacific, we'll probably re-flag it to the Marshall Islands for insurance purposes.

The MMSI we will initially get will be US based, but once we reflag, I think we have to get a new Marshal Islands MMSI. The VHF will be a Standard Horizon, and the AIS will be B&G. What issues will I have to change these?


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
I am having a new boat built in South Africa. We will bring it back to the US for about two years and then take it to the South Pacific. It will initially be US-flagged, but when we go to the South Pacific, we'll probably re-flag it to the Marshall Islands for insurance purposes.

The MMSI we will initially get will be US based, but once we reflag, I think we have to get a new Marshal Islands MMSI. The VHF will be a Standard Horizon, and the AIS will be B&G. What issues will I have to change these?
Ok not 100% sure on this, but I believe the Standard Horizon allows you to reprogram the MMSI number once, but you need to get a code from them.

I don't know about the B&G AIS - I know my AIS i had to bring into an authorized dealer along with my ship documentation and they had to reprogram the AIS number. You should ask B&G.



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
By the way, what kind of boat are you getting built? Steel hull? Design?



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Nice! Will you sail it back to the US from South Africa or have it delivered?

Jan 12, 2019
Hunter 340 Narragansett
Congratulations on your new boat, calm seas and fair winds to you.
I’ve been watching, with great interest, this posting and a few others regarding VHF radios. Relocating, replacing, rewiring (coax) and upgrading them. I will be looking to replace my VHF as well.
This may be a stupid question, but why both a VHF and a separate AIS? When Standard Horizon and I believe others offer units with AIS built in the radio. Is it the separate coax and antenna for each that’s the issue?
Thank you for clarifying your reasons for both and clearing up a question I’ve been wondering about for a while now.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
why both a VHF and a separate AIS? When Standard Horizon and I believe others offer units with AIS built in the radio.
The two systems transmit and receive on radio wave bands that are next to each other in the radio spectrum VHF (156.0500 to 157.4250) or AIS. (161.9750 to 162.0250). This allows the radio maker to build a radio that can receive the signals of both VHF and AIS by listening. The radio then converts the information into something you can understand. Sounds in the case of VHF, and digital data that represents physical locations for AIS.
Doing this involves two separate system circuits. The price of the radio goes up with each system circuit in the radio.

Transmission of a signal is a whole separate internal system and expense.

The two separate systems, about which you query, each preform the complex process of receiving or transmitting the data on the specified bands for VHF or AIS respectively. Such an AIS unit is identified as a “transponder” in that it receives signals and also transmits data signals specifying the location of the boat for other AIS receivers.

Hope that helps.
Jan 12, 2019
Hunter 340 Narragansett
Helps perfectly. Thank you. Given the articles available to read, not to mention some confusing language contained in some, I see the reason for the question.
While I will not be doing any sailing on the scale of the OP, but I do want a better VHF than I have now. It an old Raymarine.
I like the idea of one with both VHF and AIS.
Thank you again for your help and guidance, all greatly appreciated. Back to the measuring and shopping.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I installed a Standard Horizon Matrix AIS/GPS (GX2200) in 2015. It has served me well. It provides AIS info on a rudimentary radar-like screen. Your boat is in the middle, and AIS radio signals from the boats around you show up. You can get their information to include the name, speed, compass heading, and the ability to contact them using DSC. It has been helpful in the busy commercial traffic waters I sail. The radios have only gotten better each year. I like the SH and the ICOM brands. There are many others. I also have an AIS transponder. I see the big boats, and they can see me (if the crew is monitoring the traffic around them).
Feb 3, 2009
Freedom 40/40 Rio Dulce, Guatemala
This may be a stupid question, but why both a VHF and a separate AIS? When Standard Horizon and I believe others offer units with AIS built in the radio.
Standard Horizon doesn't offer a VHF with an AIS transponder. There's also the issue that I seem to go through VHF radios on a regular basis, but I had no issues with AIS transponders, so I'll keep them separate.
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Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
This is all above my understanding, knowledge, pay grade, and rank -- but since both MMSI and AIS have to do with safety, doesn't it make sense to have them as separate systems so that if one unit goes down, the other won't go down with it?
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