I have set up reefing on my O’Day 322 two different ways…
1) I put reefing hooks on the gooseneck, reef lines through the boom, pulling down on the clew.
2) small blocks on the reef crinkles, reef lines run from the cockpit, up to the mast, up through the blocks, down to block at base of mast, back up the mast and through the boom, and the pulling down on the clew…
Obviously, #1 is way simpler, and I think made a tighter reef.
But, #2 can be done from the cockpit…I can reef or shake out a reef without going to the mast.
I am using #2 currently after I installed a Tides Marine Strong Track and I got rid of some of the friction in the sail.
I don’t think I have any photos, it I will look and see…