Recirculating Shower with filtration system and hot water heater.

Jan 13, 2023
Spencer 42 Bear Creek, MT
This concept has been done quite a bit in these conversion vans people are loving so much these days, however on a boat, personally I think it is a no-go and here is why, you are guaranteed to be introducing salt to the system, and in a closed system, in time it is going to get more salty as more washes from your body into the closed loop.

This opens up all kinds of potential problems, including chemical exposure.

They run them through charcoal and UV filters to do most of the filter work, and they have an inline changeable element filter, none of that can remove salt from the water, but it will knock out the majority of the bacteria.

Once the salt gets into that sytem, it is never coming out.

I researched this pretty extensively before deciding that it was not for me.

If you want to take a shower in warm water, and want to start with salt water, you can get a heat exchanger that will instantly heat your hot water using a hydronic heater, or the heat from your engine.

I think this is a better plan, and as an added bonus you can have hot water on your deck wash down if you so desire, which will help when cleaning things up.