Raytheon ST6000+ Auto Pilot

May 9, 2019
Beneteau 411 SSC
I have a ST6000 auto pilot. Had the motor rebuilt and now when i engage the autopilot it just keeps turning. I held down standby for 2 seconds setup pops up for a few seconds and will not let me do anything. I tried to reset it to dealer settings by holding down standby for 14 seconds as the manual says but no luck. Any advice would be great because i am stuck. Thanks in advance.
Feb 27, 2004
Hunter 335 North East, MD
If the unit was working before your rebuild - rebuilding the motor on the unit it shouldn't have affected the control head (I don't think) . I assume the clutch is not slipping ?
Try emailing the technical folks at raymarine- they have been helpful to me in the past and are pretty prompt in their responses


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Any advice would be great because i am stuck. Thanks in advance.
I have the same Unit.

Can you send me a picture of the AP Control panel? This the display with Stdby , Auto. and course control.

They made a change in how you get to the Dealer mode, depending on which Panel you have.
The version number for the Controller should display too. That would be helpful.

Yes I can get you there. It was Pain for me also.

PS: Do you have Rudder Position transducer?
May 9, 2019
Beneteau 411 SSC
The control panel was working fine before we rebuilt the motor. Here is a picture of the control panel not the one on the boat but the same.
I am not sure of the version # will be up on the boat this weekend. I do have a rudder position transducer and it is working.
Thanks Kipp



Feb 14, 2017
Catalina 310 211 Lake Guntersville, AL
Mine spun when the belt tension was not correct.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
The control panel was working fine
It is the Button Locations and Layout that determines the method to get to the DEALER set up.

The Dealer set up has a form to fill out so when you "page" through the inputs, you have the number ready to input.

You must be at berth in the water.
You set your Rudder angles Maximum rotational angle Starboard to Port, thus the Rudder Position transducer.
Your Rudder will actually move through that angle range, and the reason you need to be a Berth.

I will send the manual for my version in a Private Message sometime this week.
I have a chain but will check the tension
That is not the issue, but Dealer Set Up is the key.
After that, you have control over several inputs, like Sea State tuning.


PS: Same Control panel as mine.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Check your private messages.