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Dec 8, 2008
'79" 30ft catilina 30 Santa Cruz Harbor
I bought a 30ft Catilina and it has a two blade composite propeller. I would like to change it to something that Catilina would originally called for. Even something better than original. Can someone please give me advise?
Thank you
Jun 4, 2004
Catalina 30mkIII Elk Rapids, MI.

Hi Birdsaweek;

Need a little more info. What engine do you currently have and what is the ratio of the tranny? How do you plan on using the boat. Do you think you will do a lot of motor sailing, (Most cruising sailors do, here in the Great Lakes, as summer winds are variable.), or will you just use it a few minutes in and out of slip.

Many prop web sites, (MIchigan Wheel Props for instance) have a form to fill out and their engineers will send you recommendations.

My C30 Marklll had a 3 blade 13X10 from the factory. I have the Universal M25XP, which is a 23 hp with a 2:1 tranny. They recommended a 13X12 for my situation. Another critical issue is distance from the hull. The prop tip should not be closer that 15% of the diameter of the prop to the boat bottom.

Fair winds
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