Posts that start with: "Son, ..."


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
I've long noticed that people who sail, or rather people who captain their own boats of any type, will very frequently make statement which imply that you're a D*$%&#d fool if you head out without having 45 years of experience and knowing absolutely everything that's it's possible to know through having spent many, many years at sea, probably rounding Cape Horn. It seems to be a personality type that goes with boating, which is after all, an avocation which highlights personal responsibility. After all, the Captain is responsible for what happens, no matter what.

But you're right: not only is it annoying, it's sort of unrealistic that you should have perfect experience before leaving the dock. I just tune it out...
You know what annoys the $hit out of me? The those folks who head out to sea completely unprepared and without the experience necessary for the voyage they are attempting. Then, when they get in trouble, or even a little bit scared, they use their "get out of trouble free" card and call for help, asking others to risk their lives to come save them.
Nobody can know everything, but without even some of the most rudimentary knowledge, it is a fool's errand to venture forth.
As a commercial seafarer, sometimes I don't have the luxury of having command of a perfect vessel, if I want to work, so I'm happy as hell that these days there is that get out of trouble free card, but no pleasure boater should put to sea in anything less than a well found, seaworthy craft.
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Jan 22, 2008
Beneteau 323 Annapolis MD
...anyone who starts a post with "Son, ..." should be banned from this site for a week, there are rarely ever words following that intro that aren't flat-out condescending....
All points considered, did it ever occur to you that the "N" was supposed to have been a "B"?
Jan 19, 2010
Catalina 34 Casco Bay
Son of a gun, if that don't beat all.......

hoping I don't get banned now....:oops:
Oct 10, 2019
Signet 20 0 Ithaca
It's like I said, y'all, 99 44/100% of the time, there's not a response to a boating thread that starts "Son, ..." (that's "Son" plus a comma followed by a space) that isn't completely condescending.

You can call your friend "Sonny boy", you can say "Son of a beach!", or even "Son(ny) Bono was a brilliant musician", not the same.

Unless you're talking to your own kid, but even then, you're probably still being an arsehole, be nice to your gene pool.

I'm flattered I got a Warner Brothers reference PLUS Monty Python, heck yea!
May 27, 2004
Hunter 30_74-83 Ponce Inlet FL
Son, Ya'll can ban me all you want...
I'm on cruise!
:) :biggrin: :cool:
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