Port list

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I recently purchased a 1978 Catalina 30 and wondered why most of these year models seem to list to port. I was told that it is because most all of the weight is on that side i.e.,galley, holding tanks,fuel,batteries. I was wondering if any one had more info on this.



I have the same problem. I moved the batteries to the starboard, my water and fuel are both on starboard. Even with the holding tank empty, It still lists. What is the problem. By the way, what size propeller are you using and which engine. 2 or 3 blade? Thanks, SEAN PHELPS

LaDonna Bubak - Planet Catalina

What info?

You received the right answer. The head, holding tank, engine, batteries, galley, etc, etc. all on one side of the boat will naturally make it list in that direction. I've never understood why designers do this. My parents built a Cascade 36 (no groans, please. Their boat it a showpiece!) and redesigned the interior because the original design called for the exact same setup. Dad put the head on the starboard side to compensate and theirs is just about the only Cascade 36 that DOESN'T list to port! You'd think the designers/builders would figure this one out sometime! Solution: move as much as possible to the starboard side. Load the starboard side with all your heavy stuff like canned goods, spares, chain, etc. Load port with light stuff like dried foods, bedding, etc. Good luck! LaDonna


Guess they finally learned

I have a 1982 model and they got it balanced fairly well. The batteries and water tank are on the starboard side. The holding tank is on the port. The fuel tank is starboard, but just off the center line. I am not sure why the damn holding tank is smaller than the one on my catalina 27!
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