Sorry your query went with out a response.
This type of rigging is not limited to Catalina boats. It is a realatively simply project.
Here is an basic image outlining the parts you need to install.
The design is for a "Spinnaker Pole" which has a track on the bow side of the mast. You likely have just a hard point loop where you attache your pole. That is ok as you do not need a level spar as is needed for the spinnaker.
Here is a look at the block you will need attached to the mast above the pole to life the pole. The halyard will run down the mast to a turning block at the mast base then back to your cockpit.
If you want to get fancy you can add a "Foreguy" to pull the pole down. This also runs to the mast base and a turning block then back to the cockpit along the topping lift halyard.
You will be able to raise and lower the pole. The foresail sheets provide you forward and aft control of the sail. To gybe or tack you will need to go forward and release the pole from the sail, task the sail, reattach the pole to the sail.
Good luck. ask if there are any questions.