Outboard motor with alternator

Oct 8, 2014
Hi all,
I am researching to buy my first sailboat. One boat I am looking at currently has no outboard, but has a mount. I have 2 questions, the first is how do I figure out what size motor is feasible? I think I would tend toward the upper limit (as a former powerboater it's kind of a security blanket thing). Question #2 has to do with an alternator. We hope to run some electronics on the boat (cd player, radio, depth finder, etc). The idea of an outboard with an alternator to recharge the batteries is appealing. How common are they? What would I need to look for? For any interested, the current boat of interest is Mac 26 (not the power sailer).

Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Does the OB mount rely on springs to help raise/lower the OB?

If so, the springs will help you determine how heavy an outboard you can put back there. Usually, the larger the motor, the more amperage the alternator will put out.

You might also want to check if the mount's transom fasteners (if applicable) are properly backed-up to handle the weight.

Here in sunny AZ/Mexico, a modest solar panel and charge controller can go a long way, too.

Please, play only good music. :D
Oct 8, 2014
Thanks for the response. As far a music, it is typically only the finest classic rock (e.g. Zeppelin, Floyd, etc), but for some reason when I am on a boat I particular like Reggae:)
May 11, 2005
Seidelman S37 Slidell, La.

Most of the smaller outboards, ( newer ones ) say 6hp or larger are going to have an alternator, but they are going to be on the small side. I wouldn't count on getting much charge out of them, unless you run the almost continously. The mount bracket should have a weight or hp rating on it somewhere. jsg has the right answer for you. A solar panel and regulator are going to be your friend.
May 16, 2007
Boatless ! 26 Ottawa, Ontario
I sailed a Mac for a few years. A great little boat. I put a Honda 9.9, 25" shaft on it. This motor is made for a sailboat and includes a 12 amp alternator. As far as I know the biggest available in a small outboard. We also had a small solar panel.

It was good for a long weekend but when we did 2 week or longer cruises we needed to add a Honda EU2000 generator. We had two group 31 batteries on the Mac. You will also need a good battery charger if you need to top up the batteries over night in a marina or off the generator. We would typically run the generator for 30 minutes to an hour in the morning or at dinner. This also allowed use of a micrwave, electric kettle, charge cell phone and so on.

I hope this is the type of practical information you were looking for. If you have any questions just ask, Bob
Nov 26, 2012
Catalina 250 Bodega Bay CA
Good advice above but do be careful of carbon monoxide poisioning with a generator. Justsomeguy is an excellent contact for you as he has helped many of us. Go online to www.onlineoutboards.com for good prices and excellent reference guide for various size motors. Solar! Chief