Origo stove...gimbal or drop in?

Oct 17, 2011
Ericson 29 Southport..
Just a tip : but I have found that a couple of very small C-clamps fastened on the pot holders makes up for anything but the very excessive heel..
Mar 20, 2012
Cal 34-III, MacGregor 25 Salem, Oregon
here is a link to one that does attach to the sides of the lower half... it allows the unit to gimbal and still have the top swing upwards for filling the canisters
May 24, 2004
CC 30 South Florida
It's a 4000E model (E for electric). Used a lot as OEM on power cruisers. I had an alcohol/electric on mine years ago. Not sure why they don't offer it as an aftermarket. Maybe they used to but not anymore for some reason. Maybe people were not wiring them up correctly. They draw almost 20 amps with both burners on high.
I figured the power draw is high. Probably works best with a 50A shorepower connection but can be used avoiding the high heat settings. Slow just as the boat. Thanks for the model number Kito, I think I got it for $30 and it was almost brand new.
Oct 26, 2005
- - Satellite Beach, FL.
I had a 1981 Hillerange pressurized alcohol stove/range that worked, but with spouse/guests not so much.

After using a fire-extinguisher once to often, I came up with a compromise that works remarkably well. I wanted to keep the gimballs, did not want pressurized EtOH top stove but wanted the oven.

My solution:
Dismantle the top range burners and replace with a Cookmate nonpressurized 2 burner range. The original Hillerange pressurized stove remains and the frame remains gimballed. The Oven works well and is useful for occasional baking but is not fraught with flashback issues that the top range was. (I actually bought a new Campstove ETOH tank for the oven a fews years ago)

I love the Cookmate. It fills and lights easily, it boils a large teapot in 5-7 minutes and has no flashback issues. I was able to retain my original Gimbal setup for Stove/range and have functional oven and range for cost of the Cookmate which was pretty darn cheap (from Oswego).

Will try to post pics of this setup-it looks like standard stove setup unless carefully inspected.

Took me 20 minutes to take apart the top of the Hillerange. Only regret was not doing this 6 years ago when I bought the boat.

Chris O

Running Late
Original deathtrap

top burners replaced with Cookmate nonpressurized stove with Gimbals and oven intact

Teapot after 5 minutes-ready to make coffee
Nice work!
Dec 12, 2014
Gecco 39 Bellingham
I have an Origo and am very happy with it. When we were sailing in Mexico and Central America we bought 95% isopropal alcohol from pharmacies and it worked as well and smelled less than the marine alcohol we got at marine stores stateside. I agree there seems to be a difference in the brands for marine use. We would tell the pharmacist we wanted the alcohol the restaurants used to do flaming dishes.


Jun 7, 2004
Oday 272LE Ninnescah Yacht Club, Wichita, Ks.
Re: cookmate and stove

We've been using the Origo 4000 which came on our boat from O'Day...It's been a fabulous little stove. Ours is not gimballed, but this has not been a problem...my wife cleans it at the end of each weekend and I can't say enough good things about it...she has cooked egg's benedict for 20 people on the crazy little thing...it just requires a bit of patience & efficient space utilization...in addition to skillets and pans, we bought a griddle which covers both burners (Teflon) and that helps speed breakfast along....ours' is a 1987 model Origo.


Dec 20, 2003
Pearson 323 . St. Mary's Georgia
I took the Hillerbrand three burner stove oven out and built my own gimbal cabinet to hold a Origo stove. I don't need the oven.
For the gimbaI just used carriage bolts in the same place as the Hillerbrand and the heads slid right in after I had lock bolts on either side of the stove cabinet. Added more storage and is very safe on passages.
Mar 2, 2008
Cal 25 mk II T-Bird Marina, West Vancouver
Re: cookmate and stove

I’ve been very pleased with the ORIGO 3000 for 20 years. You do need pot holders and you do need to cover the “burner canister” with the rubber gasket when putting the boat to bed after a trip. The COOKMATE is a cheaper Chinese copy that came out a couple of years ago after the ORIGO patent expired.