The Oceanis 43 is LOA 13,11m, this is 0,12m too long for mediteranien Harbour categories with 11-13m. Ist it possible to cut a part form the Anchor holder to get in the next lower category?
Regards Matthias
I think that would be a large compromise. Shortening the roller that much would probably take it back pretty much all the way to the hull. With Beneteau’s vertical bows that means every time you deploy or release the anchor you’re very likely to ding the hull pretty hard. Even with the roller Beneteau bows tend to take some small dings. It also would leave you with virtually no place to store the anchor, and a 43’ boat is not a small light one where you can just keep the anchor in the locker and deploy it by hand all the time.
I would call some of those marinas and ask if coming with my anchor roller making me 12 centimeters over 43 feet would exclude me from visiting their marina. My bet is that many on the Mediterranean would say, "Come on in!"
On Sailboatdata the Oceanis 43 specs LOA at 13.11m, as you noted. HOWEVER for many boats (not sure about the Oceanis though) the LOA in the builder's specification is hull length without any appendages such as bow roller, davits etc. It may not be a matter of just shortening the bow roller by 4.5 inches. Check with Beneteau AND measure your actual boat. If the Beneteau LOA is actually hull length without bow roller you may be S.O.L if the marina's in question are sticklers about length since I am sure your bow roller sticks out well over a foot or more.
I didn't not own this boat. I am on the search for one in the 12-13m range. Oceanis 43 is one of the biggest options for me. On Photos it seems there is a second roller attachment behind the first one, and also enough space to cut 12cm... i hope to finde someone her with this boat. Thank you all for your Feedback!
I love the idea of a folding roller mounted in a U channel or L channels on either side for lateral support. You can even add a pin to keep it in place. However, I think an real world measurement is needed before going further
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