Next year cruising plans - ideas?

Nov 8, 2014
MacGregor 26S Chateauguay
After having spent the whole summer honing our sailing skills on Lake Saint Louis near Montreal, we have finally decided to bite the bullet and plan for next summer a two weeks cruise somewhere in the Maritimes. We are considering to explore either Baie des Chaleurs around Caraquette or Shediac NB. Other options would be somewhere along the coast of Maine but that depends a lot on the exchange rate since I am retired and don't enjoy unlimited sources of cash. We did consider Lake Ontario but frankly, I'm tired of fresh water cruising with unpredictable winds, shoals and no decent sea food :). I would like to hear preferably from people who have cruised the Maritimes or the Maine coast with suggestions and advice. Egret is a Mac26SS fully equipped with a Raymarine plotter and dsc equipped radio.

Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
Sounds like a fun plan. Whereas I can't help you w/ any specifics as to your cruising plans even though I have "sailed" into the harbor at St. John's, Newfoundland three or four times, plus visited areas of Penobscot Bay on a windjammer out of Camden, ME, there are others here who can. In general, however, when planning cruises to new destinations consulting local cruising guides is a very helpful way for me to begin. I've noticed that there are some published for the Canadian Maritimes at the links below. That might be the place to start, then follow up with questions to the experts here on some details.
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Nov 8, 2014
MacGregor 26S Chateauguay
Thank you very much, I have been having finding links on that subject. I appreciate your help



Sep 27, 2008
Catalina 28 mkii 745 Ottawa, Ontario, CA
I know Lac St. Louis quite well myself. You will not regret cruising the North Channel (Georgian Bay). Not much sea food (unless you catch yourself) but breathtaking scenery, anchorages and sailing opportunities. This is considered by most to be one of the premiere sailing destinations in North America!
Nov 8, 2014
MacGregor 26S Chateauguay
I am sure that Georgian Bay is a wonderful cruising ground and it is on our list of places to visit in future trips. This year we have opted for the ocean because we haven't been on the coast for a long time and, being Italian, I simply need some iodized sea air ( and fresh lobsters, clams, shrimp etc.) to revitalize me :). To me sailing is not just a sport, it's also an interesting way of getting around and to see the world from a different angle. I don't want to get into a discussion of salt water vs fresh water sailing, both can provide rewarding experiences, it's just that ocean sailing is our preference for 2017.