new prop for my C28 <<<any suggestions>>>

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I've decided to reprop my C28, does anyone care to offer their experiences. I currently have the factory two blade 13x8 prop The motor is a universal 25XPBC with 26HP @ 3000 rpm, interestingly the tach shows only 2400 rpm WOT in gear or in neutral ??? The motor reachs maximum rpm (2400)in seconds when tied to the dock in gear, this is my clue that it's seriously under pitched. I reach hull speed just fine, but a head wind knocks her right down. I'm open to all suggestions, feathering or fixed. What I want is to maximize power performance and minimize sail drag without busting the budget (of course this is what everyone wants) Oh yeah Happy mothers day



Hi I just repowered and needed to reprop. I went to a campbell sailor prop 3 bladed and just think it is great.It is a very well respected in the industry and written up highly in practical sailor. If you are not a racer and want great performance low sail drag and very resonable priced please check them out. All I had to do is give them some specs on the boat ,new motor,and tranny and they made a prop and, hit right on, it works fantastic



Hi who ever was asking for info on campbell sailer(note sp. of sailer there is abunch of stuff on google. They just took the specs from the new engine and tranny plus some boat specs and made the prop to order. It matches the manufactures performance criteria exactly and I think it is within $20.00cn. of the michigan one I priced. good luck
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