New Ham


Feb 5, 2004
Tartan 3800 20 Westport, MA
Ha, I forgot to post this! In my retirement, as they say...

I studied for 6 days and took all three exams on Oct. 7, 2023, and passed all three. So, I am an Amateur Extra, callsign AC1QC. I am not on the air yet. :(

I have some gear, and antennas, not yet deployed. I really should get going!

Haven't considered any ham gear for the boat. Is marine SSB still a thing?



SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Welcome, I am WD4IWB but not had time to set my rig since Hurricane Zeta repairs have me very busy.

I got my General license when you had to read Morse Code at minimum of 15 words per minute.

HAMs are used in many Crisis Events.

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Feb 5, 2004
Tartan 3800 20 Westport, MA
Yea, no more Morse code requirement. I'm kinda bummed about that, but then, I wouldn't have made it in the short time I spent. I have a couple of keys, a keyer, and so forth, I intend to learn it and use it.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS

Save Our Ship = SOS

Roger Out
for now... [R = Romeo today]


PS: Can still hear 5 wpm Morse Code.
PSS: US Marines must still Learn Morse Code.


Feb 5, 2004
Tartan 3800 20 Westport, MA

Save Our Ship = SOS

Roger Out
for now... [R = Romeo today]


PS: Can still hear 5 wpm Morse Code.
PSS: US Marines must still Learn Morse Code.
Ha, ha. Cool.

I was thinking - do you think there's a market for "books on Morse?" :)

One issue might be lack of certain punctuation and formatting codes, but the code could be extended to cover that.
Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
Ha, ha. Cool.

I was thinking - do you think there's a market for "books on Morse?" :)

One issue might be lack of certain punctuation and formatting codes, but the code could be extended to cover that.
. Morse (CW) is still quite popular even among the new guys as that’s where a lot of the DX is. You won’t gain any proficiency in Morse from books. Learning comes only from listening and use (Practice).

Marine SSB is still common among offshore sailors but most coastal cruisers rely on ham SSB as it encompasses both. It’s actually easier to erect an effective antenna on a sailboat compared with most backyards and the effect of a salt water counterpoise is dramatic. I worked stations in India and American Samoa 2 days ago from the boat, both on 20 M CW. You picked a great time to start as the sunspot cycle is currently at its peak.
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Sep 26, 2008
Hunter 340 0 Wickford, RI
I know this is an older posting, but I have some information you may be interested in.

. Morse (CW) is still quite popular even among the new guys as that’s where a lot of the DX is. You won’t gain any proficiency in Morse from books. Learning comes only from listening and use (Practice).

I Completely agree.

I came across a Morse Study disk, one of many ways I learned from years ago. Besides sitting and listening to AARL broadcasts every afternoon as well. I was cleaning out some old radio books I have and thought I‘d share it with you.
Its from a man named Randall Glass (Radio Telephone Tutor). Don’t know if it’s still available, but worth a try if you want to learn Morse Code.
If you can’t get it again through the internet, PM me and I’ll send you the disk.
Thought you like a source thats not really mentioned any longer.
Hope it helps. N1REN
Nov 22, 2011
Ericson 26-2 San Pedro, CA
I know this is an older posting, but I have some information you may be interested in.
CW rules!! And it dovetails nicely with sailing (sort of). Last year I operated Field Day from my Ericson 26 over at Catalina Island. Beautiful shot to the east over water! 5W (QRP) and vertical antennas. Other than about 4 or 5 SSB contacts, all of my 415 (or so) QSOs were CW (40, 20, 15, and 10 meters). It really cuts through well and is much more fun--for me, anyway. It's such a blast!

I plan to do Field Day again this year. Hope to see some of you sailing hams on the bands!

May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
What information?
"I came across a Morse Study disk, one of many ways I learned from years ago. Besides sitting and listening to AARL broadcasts every afternoon as well. I was cleaning out some old radio books I have and thought I‘d share it with you.
Its from a man named Randall Glass (Radio Telephone Tutor). Don’t know if it’s still available, but worth a try if you want to learn Morse Code.
If you can’t get it again through the internet, PM me and I’ll send you the disk.
Thought you like a source thats not really mentioned any longer.
Hope it helps. N1REN"
Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
"I came across a Morse Study disk, one of many ways I learned from years ago. Besides sitting and listening to AARL broadcasts every afternoon as well. I was cleaning out some old radio books I have and thought I‘d share it with you.
Its from a man named Randall Glass (Radio Telephone Tutor). Don’t know if it’s still available, but worth a try if you want to learn Morse Code.
If you can’t get it again through the internet, PM me and I’ll send you the disk.
Thought you like a source thats not really mentioned any longer.
Hope it helps. N1REN"
Thanks for the offer. Hopefully someone might take you up on it.
I’ve been a ham for 60 years and still operate almost exclusively CW. The fun mode.