Nav Station


Mar 25, 2005
Dufour 31 Seaford VA.
Has anyone thought of putting a Nav Station where the ice box /chart table is? Sort of like a later B-40
Jimmy Small


Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
Interesting thought Jimmy. And happens to connect with some design ideas I'm working on right now. With college right around the corner, we're looking at the potential to do some longer cruising in the coming years.

Next winter I plan to do some galley modifications which will include rebuilding the ice box. It's time to make it efficient enough for longer distance and possibly part time refrigeration.

Not to hyjack your thread though. It's a big space with what I now calculate as nearly 10 cu ft of ice box plus battery and galley stowage aft. My first thought is, where do you put the reefer then? The batteries, especially with the larger storage demands of refrigertion, will likely go into the cockpit lockers low and against the bulkhead dividing the cockpit/galley. I know they'll need to be checked often, this would be optimum.

But the ice box/ refrigerator? I suppose the whole area now used in my boat for a large (very large) dry locker for food, the engine starting battery (that could be relocated) and the 6 gallon water heater would need to be relocated. I see this as less optimum for loading though compared to the original ice box.

In my case, especially with our requirements of four adults onboard, the priority would be icebox/ food storage and the added galley space the present chart table affords.

But it's an interesting idea and plenty of boats have tucked nav stations into smaller spaces. I hope to get some feed back from others who've done work in this area of the boat including ice box design.

In looking at this drawing of our boat, my first thought is height; is there enough space for the seated "navigator" from soles of the feet to the top of the head to fit between the turn of the bilge and the underside of the side deck? I suspect there is.

One other thought; could the nav station be designed athwarthship? Not optimum of course but the space may lends itself to this.
