mildewed cushions

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Dan Bryant

This last weekend I repaired a rainwater leak coming from the handrail, but not before the cushion beneath was mildewed. Question for anyone out there: How do you remove the mildew stain and smell from urethane foam? I cleaned the fabric cover no problem, but I'm concerned that using bleach type mildew removers directly on foam will cause it to break down (my small trial area discolored when I tried it). This has GOT to be a common problem with those of us sailing in southern waters!
Aug 11, 2006
Hunter H260 Traverse City
Mildewed foam

I have used a MILD bleach solution, did light repeated applications, and let dry thoroughly. There is some discoloration, but that was of no consequence as it is covered. My area milde wedwas not very deep below the surface, however. I suppose that if it is well inside the foam, one can replace just the affected area, or replace the entire cushion. Foam cut to size is not expensive in these parts.
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